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শোষা Meaning in English

/Verb/ Suck; dry up; absorb; exploit; extort.

শোষা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


শোষা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

I've come to realize that the Democrats suck, and the Republicans suck, and basically the entire system sucks.

Kevin Smith later developed a similar theme ("He broke his neck trying to suck his own dick") in his 1994 debut film Clerks.

Even a perfect vacuum cannot suck with more pressure than is available in the surrounding environment.

Kiss up kick down (or suck up kick down) is a neologism used to describe the situation where middle level employees in an organization are polite and flattering.

Teaching (your) grandmother to suck eggs is an English language saying that refers to a person giving advice to another person in a subject with which.

lickspittle sucking up toady yes man Codependency Enabling Flying monkeys (psychology) Narcissistic supply Henchman Lackey Minion Poodle Sidekick Suck up kick.

(also known as fellation, and in slang as blowjob, BJ, giving head, or sucking off) is an oral sex act involving a person stimulating the penis of another.

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