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শ্রেয় Meaning in English

/adjective/ superior; best; excellent; good; beneficial; auspicious; proper; /noun/ virtue; good; welfare; benefit; religion; /প্রতিশব্দ/ উচ্চতর; শ্রেষ্ঠ; চমত্কার; ভাল; উপকারী; সুপ্রসন্ন; সঠিক; পুণ্য; মঙ্গল; কল্যাণ; সুবিধা; ধর্ম;

শ্রেয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) better (than); more splendid/ beautiful; more excellent / distinguished; superior; preferable.

(2) most excellent; best.

(3) propitious; well disposed to; auspicious; fortunate; conducive to welfare/ prosperity; beneficial; proper.

(noun) (1) the better state; the better fortune/ condition.

(2) good; benefit; welfare; bliss; fortune; happiness.

(3) bliss of final emancipation; felicity; beatitude.

(4) virtue; religion.

শ্রেয়স্কর (adjective) making better/ superior; causing/ securing fortune; conducive to happiness; salutary; wholesome; beneficial.

শ্রেয়স্করী (feminine) =." ."'gt;

শ্রেয়স্কাম (adjective) desirous of welfare/ prosperity.

শ্রেয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

brainstem that in humans and other bipeds lies inferior to the midbrain, superior to the medulla oblongata and anterior to the cerebellum.

As a second example, in humans, the neck is superior to the chest.

The first part, or superior part, of the duodenum is a continuation from the pylorus to transpyloric plane.

the superior border affords attachment to the omohyoideus.

A provincial superior is a major superior[further explanation needed] of a religious institute acting under the institute's Superior General and exercising.

and below the pedicles are shallow depressions called vertebral notches (superior and inferior).

around the superior mesenteric artery and vein.

The pubic bone is made up of a body, superior ramus, and inferior ramus (Latin:.

To the right sits the descending part of the duodenum, and between these travel the superior and inferior.

made up of three sections, a superior ramus, inferior ramus, and a body.

epithelial lining of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, with the superior glands arising from the fourth pouch and the inferior glands arising from.

In the current system, a letter prefix, called a flag superior, identifies the type of ship, and numerical suffix, called a flag inferior.

Luxury goods is often used synonymously with superior goods.

the most superior part of the human body is the head and the most inferior is the feet.

It is superior to the rest of the segments.

sometimes referred to as a human subspecies Homo sapiens superior, or simply Homo superior.

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