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সংজ্ঞিত Meaning in English

/adjective/ Appellate ; determined ; denominated ; defined.

সংজ্ঞিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


made known; communicated; name; termed; defined.

সংজ্ঞিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA), formerly known as the Appellate Division, is an appellate court in South Africa.

appellate court to reach a novel question of law always sets binding precedent for the entire state, unless and until another intermediate appellate court.

The state is geographically divided along county lines into six appellate districts.

(Its Appellate Division is also the highest intermediate appellate court.

Appellate jurisdiction is the power of an appellate court to review, amend and overrule decisions of a trial court or other lower tribunal.

Appellate Divisions of the Supreme Court of the State of New York are the intermediate appellate courts in New York State.

Although appellate courts have existed for thousands of years, common law countries did not.

Federal appellate courts, including the Supreme.

United States courts of appeals or circuit courts are the intermediate appellate courts of the United States federal judiciary.

(frequently referred to as the Ontario Court of Appeal or ONCA) is the appellate court for the province of Ontario, Canada.

advocacy group files a brief in a case before an appellate court in which it is not a litigant.

An appellate court, commonly called an appeals court, court of appeals (American English), appeal court, court of appeal (British English), court of second.

state of New Jersey, with statewide trial and appellate jurisdiction.

intermediate appellate courts in the U.

law of the United States, appellate courts remand cases to district courts for actions such as a new trial.

In 1876, the Appellate Jurisdiction Act devolved the appellate functions of the House to an Appellate Committee, composed of Lords of.

সংজ্ঞিত এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

অস্বীকৃতি জানায় এবং তিনি বলেন এটি হলো একটি আর্মেনিয়ান ঐতিহ্যের একটি আঞ্চলিক সংজ্ঞিত

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