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সংশয় Meaning in English

/noun/ qualms; doubt; suspicion; hesitation; diffidence; misfaith; impeachment; indecision; apprehension; dubitation; misgiving; /প্রতিশব্দ/ সংশয়; সন্দেহ; অবিশ্বাস; দ্বিধা; অপ্রত্যয়; অভিশংসন; ইতস্তত ভাব; বোধশক্তি;

সংশয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


doubt; uncertainty; hesitation; irresolution; suspicion; apprehension; scepticism; fear; concern.

সংশয়-কর, সংশয় জনক (adjective) causing doubt/risk; dubious.

সংশয়স্থ (adjective) being uncertainty; doubtful.

সংশয়াকুল (adjective) greatly troubled by doubt/ suspicion/ hesitation; greatly afraid of/ concerned about/ apprehensive of; beset with doubt.

সংশয়াত্মক (adjective) dubious; doubtful; uncertain.

সংশয়াত্মা (adjective) having a doubtful mind; sceptic; apprehensive.

সংশয়ন (adjective) = সংশয়ী সংশয়ান্বিত, সংশয়াপন্ন, সংশয়াবিষ্ট adjective(s) beset with doubt; doubtful about; suspicious; apprehensive; afraid; hesitating; uncertain; sceptical.

সংশয়পনোদন (noun) removal of doubt/ suspicion.

সংশয়ালু (adjective) disposed to doubt; doubtful/ sceptical about.

সংশয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

the series, Sharpe is a rogue, an unabashed thief and murderer who has no qualms about killing a bitter enemy when the opportunity arises.

potential rivals for Joab's power or threats to David's kingdom, and had no qualms about taking the lives of any who might stand in his way (e.

The Zips had no qualms about murdering people who had been considered off-limits by the American.

Other authorities, including the Rosh, have no qualms about equating the two temperatures.

Unlike the majority of dolphins, she had no qualms about human company, and would perform stunts for locals, play with objects.

earlier designation of this music as "hillbilly music", though not without qualms about its pejorative connotation.

title, but had nothing to do with Baum's character, and had no particular qualms about being eaten.

While separate reviewers had their own qualms about the game, nearly all complained of monotonous gameplay and boring.

It established the idea of Anti-Hero with "no qualms about bending moral codes" in Hindi cinema and inspired further such characters.

Frontman Wagner Lamounier claimed to have no qualms about using this device, on the basis that most death metal drummers use.

[citation needed] Few contemporary writers share these qualms; it is now accepted usage to refer to transfinite cardinals and ordinals.

would support the government on all matters except resumption, and had no qualms about voting against Catholic relief.

international notoriety for stating in 1988 that African Americans had "no qualms about not paying their bills," and for stating in 1995 that the Japanese.

Vulović had no memory of the incident and had no qualms about flying in the aftermath of the crash.

medicine that is of great interest to him is childhood ITP, where he feels qualms about the early treatment of this disease with the help of immunoglobulin.

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