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সকাণ্ড Meaning in English

/adjective/ stemmed; caulescent; /প্রতিশব্দ/

সকাণ্ড এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(botany) having a stem; caulescent.

সকাণ্ড এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

A cocktail glass is a stemmed glass with an inverted cone bowl, mainly used to serve straight-up cocktails.

A liana is a long-stemmed, woody vine that is rooted in the soil at ground level and uses trees, as well as other means of vertical support, to climb.

Woody-stemmed shrubs and plants characterize vegetation in these regions.

during medieval times, and was later retained as successive generations stemmed out into communities of landowners, including Patidars, Kolis, some Parsis.

There are a number of varieties, the most common being the "stemmed" type with straight stems.

It is called wart-stemmed pincushion in English and luisiesbos (lice-bush) in Afrikaans.

However, other palm species are clonal or multi-stemmed plants (e.

Peter's wort, Peterwort, square stemmed St.

It is a pidgin that stemmed from Hindi and includes vocabulary from several other languages, such as.

Loomis himself thought that it stemmed from the Lance Formation, dating from the Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian.

or wild single-stemmed palms results in palm tree death (e.

Lanceolate stemmed projectile points are found throughout this layer (OSL dated from around.

Pleurozium schreberi, the red-stemmed feathermoss or Schreber's big red stem moss, is a moss with a loose growth pattern.

Some countries have banned the plastic-stemmed versions in favor of biodegradable alternatives over concerns about marine.

literally meaning stem-like, is sometimes used to mean pachycaul, thick-stemmed.

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