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সচ্চরিত্র Meaning in English

/adjective/ Of good moral character; honest; chaste.

সচ্চরিত্র এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


having a good character; virtuous; chaste; morally excellent.

(noun) good conduct.

সচ্চরিত্রা (adjective) (feminine) =.

সচ্চরিত্রতা (noun) good conduct; virtuousness; moral excellence; chastity.

সচ্চরিত্র এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

high-ranking officials; graduates of the Imperial Academy; men of good moral character recommended by local and regional officials; men of special talents.

sufficient personal information to facilitate a background check of good moral character.

Plot Vikram (Vishnuvardhan) is a landlord who is not of good moral character.

must be of good moral character and "attached to the principles of the Constitution".

that a New Jersey state gaming law requiring union leaders to be of good moral character was not preempted by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

must graduate from an ABA accredited law school and be deemed of good moral character.

or the spouses of same, who are between 16 and 60 years old, of good moral character, and mentally and physically sound.

Whether the assessment of good moral character depends more on the evaluator or the assessee has been the subject.

conditional resident status to undocumented immigrant students of good moral character.

nationality, who are not less than sixteen years of age, who are of good moral character, and who are dedicated to promote and preserve the heritage of.

work; They must show genuine interest in things Hispanic and be of good moral character.

under Washington State Law, all new teachers required an affidavit of good moral character from their graduating college.

Membership in the BOMC may be extended to men and women of good moral character who can establish through genealogical proofs (i.

signed application, be fingerprinted and photographed, and be of good moral character.

that you were of good moral character.

This fact brought into question for the courts whether Nemetz was in fact of good moral character.

The law states that an alien is not of good moral character if he.

sufficiently advanced in the elementary branches of education and is of good moral character and free from debt" who "may desire to avail themselves of this.

Justice requires that the candidate: be a citizen of Liberia; be of good moral character; have been a counselor of the Supreme Court Bar for at least five.

Men elected to our membership are considered to be of good moral character, to be high in scholarship, to have the capacity for meeting and.

Trophy, given annually to "a member of the Princeton football team of good moral character, who, during the season in addition to proving himself a player.

সচ্চরিত্র এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

সদ্গুণ, সচ্চরিত্র বা নৈতিক উত্কর্ষ (ইংরেজি: Virtue, Latin virtus; Greek ἀρετή) হল এমন একটি আচরণ যা সকলের নিকট ভাল বলে পরিগণিত।

আলি কুলি ছিলেন অত্যন্ত সাহসী, নির্ভীক ও সচ্চরিত্র যুবক।

শাস্ত্রজ্ঞান শৌর্য্য ধৈর্য্য পরাক্রম সচ্চরিত্র ইত্যাদি দ্বারা তদীয় চিত্তবৃত্তি অলঙ্কৃত; (তাই) প্রতিপক্ষের আশ্রয় হেতু।

সংস্কারে সংস্রব নেই, জোর দিয়েছেন তিনি নীতিশিক্ষার ওপর, ভালোমন্দ বুঝে সচ্চরিত্র গঠনের ওপর।

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