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সত্তম Meaning in English

/adjective/ Very good; best; excellent.

সত্তম এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


very good/ right; most virtuous; the best / first / chief of: কবিসত্তম.

সত্তম এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Scores of 91−100% are considered excellent, 75–90% considered very good, 55–64% considered good, 45–55% considered fair, 41–44% considered pass.

Substituting quality labels such as excellent (A), very good (B), good (C), average (D), fair (E), poor (F) and very poor (G) for the.

The tree can grow tall and has a medium yield potential of very good quality cherries.

The title gayyid giddan or very good, denotes the second highest mark possible, on par with a "B" student.

favourably by restaurant critic Giles Coren of The Times, who called it "a very good addition to a good chain of pubs".

Good second basemen need to have very good range since they have to field balls closer to the first baseman who is.

The experience of pain is, due to its seeming universality, a very good portal through which to view various aspects of human life.

সত্তম এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

সত্তম ভট্টাচার্য -রেহান চ্যাটার্জী ওরফে পাবলো:মীনাক্ষী ও সমরেশ-এর মেজো ছেলে,উজানের।

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