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সন্ত্রাসিত Meaning in English

/adjective/ horrified; terrified; /প্রতিশব্দ/ আতঙ্কগ্রস্ত;

সন্ত্রাসিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


frightened; alarmed; terrorized; terrified; panic-stricken.

সন্ত্রাসিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

is horrified when Chloe becomes Jean's nanny.

alternative interpretation is that the poet is musing to himself how horrified and humbled the pious woman would be if she were aware she was harbouring.

The incident horrified the U.

upon learning of this pamphlet's publication Darwin was "a good deal horrified" at Henslow making public "what had been written without care or accuracy".

When they find a group of unprocessed Ood, they become horrified at the alterations performed and resolve to free the Ood.

When Jimmy found out, he was horrified.

The town's residents, including the three boys, are horrified and Bart regrets his actions.

using Astyanax's dead body to club the old king to death, in front of horrified onlookers.

Kingsley Amis, Robert Stephens and Peter Quennell, were said to be "horrified".

Reports of Crusader looting and brutality scandalised and horrified the Orthodox world; relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Len was horrified when he found out and nearly ended things with Pearl but realised the.

would withdraw his support if he did not receive a peerage; Lisburne was horrified when his threat reached the ears of the king.

A French Catholic Priest is horrified when he learns that two Protestant American women have moved in nearby.

ship crashes onto the reef of Norman's Woe and sinks; the next morning a horrified fisherman finds the daughter's body, still tied to the mast and drifting.

purchased Bobbing Court) in 1673, but his drunkenness and blasphemy so horrified his parishioners that they ejected him before the end of the year.

He tells Zoe that he is Jean's father when she is seriously injured in hospital and they are horrified to.

The Finnish public was both ashamed and horrified by this pointless act of lawlessness, and a general adverse reaction against.

Cynethryth's brother could ascend to the throne instead; Ælfthryth's was horrified by the murder, so she departed the court and retired to the Crowland Abbey.

man from a very proper family in Newton, Massachusetts whose mother is horrified by his intention to wed a French actress.

In the episode, Del is horrified when he discovers that Rodney is dating a policewoman.

সন্ত্রাসিত এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

ভিন্দ জেলার এই অঞ্চলটি ডাকাত দ্বারা সন্ত্রাসিত হয়েছিল এবং বৈজনাথ আফসোস করতেন যে কয়েকজন ডাকাত এসে পুরো গ্রামটিকে লুট।

যে আন্তর্জাতিক সম্প্রদায় প্রথমবারের মতো উপলব্ধি করতে পারে যে মানুষকে সন্ত্রাসিত করতে নিয়মানুগ ধর্ষণ একটি অস্ত্র হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে।

রাজার সাক্ষাৎ পান যারা কোনো না কোনোভাবে তাদেরবিভিন্ন ঘটনায় জর্জরিত এবং সন্ত্রাসিত করে তুলেছিলেন।

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