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সপক্ষ Meaning in English

/adjective/ OF the same party; partisan; winged:-/Noun/ Partisan; adherent.

সপক্ষ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) siding with; taking the same side; supporting; favourable.

(2) feathered (as an arrow).

(noun) partisan; friend; supporter;


সন্ন্যাসীতা (noun) supporting; favouring.

সন্ন্যাসীতা করা (verb transitive) support; back.

সপক্ষে (adverb) in support of; in favour of.

সপক্ষ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

last gubernatorial election in New Mexico in which the winner was of the same party as the incumbent president.

1967 in which the winner of a Louisiana gubernatorial election was of the same party as the incumbent president.

daughter of Jan Marijnissen, a politician and formerly the leader of the same party.

this is the last New Jersey gubernatorial election won by someone of the same party as the incumbent president.

then held between the top two candidates, who may in fact be members of the same party.

first Idaho gubernatorial election since 1978 in which the winner was of the same party as the incumbent president.

candidates; however, these were simply different labels used by candidates of the same party.

head of state until January 1969 when Marien Ngouabi, the chairman of the same party that had brought Massamba-Débat to power, assumed control.

Lieutenant Governor are elected together on a joint ballot and are of the same party.

is the last election in which a Governor was succeeded by a member of the same party.

with the prime minister or president depends upon whether they are of the same party.

gubernatorial election in Michigan in which the winner of the election was of the same party of the incumbent president.

is also a leader of the Opposition in the Senate, who is usually of the same party as the leader of the Opposition in the house.

Nimsari Rajbanshi of the same party elected for the Vice-chairperson after the results of the local level.

the last Wisconsin gubernatorial election in which the winner was of the same party as the incumbent president.

Madison's victory made him the first individual to succeed a president of the same party.

marks the last time in Kansas history that the elected Governor was of the same party as the outgoing Governor.

the last gubernatorial election in Kansas in which the winner was of the same party as the incumbent president.

annual State election in April 1803, and was won by Josiah Hasbrouck, of the same party.

since 1962 that the winner of a Wisconsin gubernatorial election was of the same party as the incumbent president.

সপক্ষ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

জিনাত তার কনিষ্ঠ সৎ ভাই মুহাম্মাদ কাম বখশের সপক্ষ ছিলেন, যার জন্য তিনি বেশ কয়েকবার তার বাবার কাছ থেকে ক্ষমা চেয়েছিলেন।

অনেকে সপক্ষ ত্যাগ করে মীর জুমলার সঙ্গে যোগ দেয়।

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