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সপ্রমাণ Meaning in English

/adjective/ With proof; supported by evidence; established by proof.

সপ্রমাণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


having proof/evidence; authentic; proved; vindicated.

সপ্রমাণ করা (verb transitive) prove; justify; vindicate; demonstrate.

সপ্রমাণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

a voter can be added to a voter list upon presenting an identity card with proof of residency.

routine petroleum exploration and first reported in a publication in 1989, with proof of the impact theory coming from the discovery of shocked quartz in drill.

In contrast with proof of work, proof of stake, and other approaches that confer voting power.

species were considered first of all as convergences (or parallelisms), with proof to the contrary required in each case.

responsible for murdering bookkeeper Nelson Kern, who had gone to the newspaper with proof of the criminal activity.

with evidences on every hand of individual and national prosperity and with proof of the growing strength and increasing power for good of Republican institutions.

Non-repudiation with proof of origin The recipient of data is provided with proof of the origin of data.

However, we did not see any of the trustworthy people who mentioned it with proof or denial, for Allah (God), Glory be to Him, who knows about it best,.

It is an ancient toy with proof of existence since 500 BCE.

"problems with proof-texting (1)".

noble had to submit proof of their service to the Republic, together with proof of nobility issued by a foreign court, swear an oath of allegiance, and.

to testify, then the personal service of subpoena is usually required with proof of service by non-party server.

and, if they have maintained structural integrity, they will be stamped with proof marks indicating the test pressure, bore diameter in millimetres at 9".

distribution of reports on current events based on facts and supported with proof or evidence.

In these areas, computability theory overlaps with proof theory and effective descriptive set theory.

There are penalties for non-compliance with proof laws; a fine of £5,000 may be levied for selling an unproofed or out-of.

produced for circulation in Ceylon in various years between 1839 and 1853, with proof coins being produced in 1868.

Syndicates began providing client newspaper with proof sheets of black-and-white line art for the reproduction of strips.

সপ্রমাণ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

সত্যই তুমি স্বপ্নকে সপ্রমাণ করিয়াচ; নিশ্চয় আমি এইরূপে হিতকারী লোকদিগকে বিনিময় দান করিয়া থাকি’ ।

এখন এটিকে অকৃত্রিম সূত্র হিসাবে ধরা হয় (১৯৩০ সালে এ. ই. স্ট্যাম্প এটি সপ্রমাণ করেছিলেন)।

স্মিথ অনুভব করেন, চিঠিটিকে খাঁটি বলে সপ্রমাণ করতে হলে তাঁকে এটির বিষয়বস্তুর প্রতি অন্যান্য গবেষকদের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করতে।

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