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সমুন্নতি Meaning in English

/Noun/ Great improvement; prosperity; dignity; amelioration; elevation; height; loftiness.

সমুন্নতি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) rising; elevation; increase; growth; swelling; prosperity.

(2) eminence; high position; exaltation.

সমুন্নতি এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

was historically of poor quality, but in recent decades has seen great improvement.

adds cooperative multitasking of several applications at once – a great improvement over the previous Macintosh systems, which can only run one application.

It was a great improvement, however it lacked waterproofing, leading to trench foot.

From June 2009, the Post Office has been open mornings only, a great improvement on the proposed outreach service.

On its 10th episode, it showed a great improvement with 13%, which surpassed KBS' Happy Sunday.

His innovations in refrigeration brought great improvement to the long-haul transportation of perishable goods.

This season saw great improvement by the club, as the team finished out of last place in the National.

The Daniell cell was a great improvement over the existing technology used in the early days of battery development.

With the great improvement in obstetric care, most of them have become rare.

altered on 1 February 1732 and this revised edition was seen as a great improvement.

consequence, Mottisfont ' Dunbridge now has a roughly hourly service, a great improvement over the previous frequency.

69%, a great improvement for the Republican Party from 2008, when they won with a 16.

In order to celebrate this great improvement to our daily lives, Dondinho named me Edson, a tribute to Thomas Edison.

launch platform for Canon's Dual Pixel CMOS Autofocus, which provides great improvement in focusing speed while in Live View, both for stills and video.

This marked a great improvement from the inaugural edition in 2013, having missed that event due to.

In his first two seasons as a hurdler however, he showed great improvement, winning ten times between September 2006 and March 2008.

A great improvement to existing military rifles in 1866, the Chassepot marked the commencement.

Though a great improvement over the transom stern in terms of its vulnerability to attack when.

He invented the Argand lamp, a great improvement on the traditional oil lamp.

and generous headroom, the passenger environment was certainly a great improvement on what had come before, with up to 25 (or 33 in the long version).

সমুন্নতি এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

মানুষের মূল্যচেতনার উপাদান যদি অন্তর থেকে শুধুই বার হয়ে আসতে থাকে - যার সমুন্নতি ও দীপ্তি বিদ্যার বৃহৎ পরিমার্জনায়, তারও একটা চরিত্র আছে।

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