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সম্ভাবনীয় Meaning in English

/adjective/ plausible; probable; possible; /প্রতিশব্দ/ সম্ভাবনীয়; সম্ভাব্য; সম্ভব;

সম্ভাবনীয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


to be assumed/ supposed; possible; probable; potential.

সম্ভাবনীয়তা (noun) possibility; probability; potentiality.

সম্ভাবনীয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

needed] Such predictions based on connectivity are generally considered plausible, but the physical outcome of the actual reaction is ultimately dependent.

Activities Division to operate without apparent national identification for plausible deniability.

near-threatened taxa usually includes the criteria of vulnerable which are plausible or nearly met, such as reduction in numbers or range.

verb "conn" probably stems from the verb "conduct" rather than another plausible precedent, the verb "control".

Historian Gordon Johnson says that "The case, although plausible, was not entirely convincing, and the matter dragged on into the 1920s".

is a military operation intended to conceal the identity of (or allow plausible denial by) the party that instigated the operation.

location has not been firmly identified, although there are a number of plausible candidate sites.

Even less plausible, the saying could originally express the hope that an enthusiastic audience.

It is plausible that Fosite is the older name and Forseti a folk etymology.

untraceable to country of origin or manufacture in order to maintain plausible deniability of covert operators in the event of their death or capture.

fantasy stories were seen in sharp contrast to the terse, scientifically plausible material that came to dominate mainstream science fiction typified by.

trained to deny any connection with their government, thus preserving plausible deniability, but also denying them any hope of diplomatic legal assistance.

It is plausible that the name, which literally means colony, arose in the late 19th, early.

The puzzle shows that an apparently plausible scenario is logically impossible.

that the protagonist does not meet some terrible, impending, and very plausible and probable doom.

Macro-Warpean), but as of 1990 found the Jibaro–Cahuapanan connection plausible.

Dienststelle (WASt), and additionally maintains that "It seems entirely plausible, while not provable, that 700,000 German military personnel listed as.

and are made consciously tolerable—or even admirable and superior—by plausible means.

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