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সরদল Meaning in English

// lintel; /প্রতিশব্দ/ ঝনকাঠ;

সরদল এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

[Persian] (noun)

(noun) lintel.

সরদল এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

The lintel's arrival in Thailand on.

called an epistyle; from Greek ἐπίστυλον epistylon "door frame") is the lintel or beam that rests on the capitals of columns.

Its secondary purpose is to provide structural support to an arch or lintel above the window opening.

for its well-preserved sculptured stone lintels set above the doorways of the main structures.

decorative wall surface over an entrance, door or window, which is bounded by a lintel and an arch.

their small brick towers and for the great beauty and delicacy of their lintels.

usually of a triangular shape, placed above the horizontal structure of the lintel, or entablature, if supported by columns.

windows for decorative effect, so as to form an upward projection of a lintel.

These lintels, together with the stelae erected before.

Its lintel features Lord Krisna killing Lion in Bapuan Khmer art.

agreed to repatriate the lintel in exchange for a donation from the Chicago-based Elizabeth F.

The lintel.

(UK) "Horizontal beam over a fireplace opening (alternatively lintel, mantel beam), or set forward from the lower part of a building to support.

A lintel or lintol is a structural horizontal block that spans the space or opening between two vertical supports.

In architecture, post and lintel (also called prop and lintel or a trabeated system) is a building system where strong horizontal elements are held up.

architrave (the supporting member immediately above; equivalent to the lintel in post and lintel construction), the frieze (an unmolded strip that may or may not.

Most buildings in classical Greece were covered by traditional prop-and-lintel constructions, which often needed to include interior colonnades.

They are usually either unpainted or painted vermilion with a black upper lintel.

Khuiqer was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh known only for a limestone lintel bearing part of his royal titulary, found in Abydos by Flinders Petrie at the.

best known for adorning Structure 23 in Yaxchilan with 3 lintels (Lintel 24, Lintel 25, and Lintel 26) that depict her performing rituals.

সরদল এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

আনুমান করা হয় দরজার চৌকাঠের বাজু, দরজার উপরের দিকের অলংকৃত অংশ এবং সরদল পাথর দিয়ে নির্মিত ছিল।

মসজিদের মূল প্রবেশপথের শীর্ষে একটি অর্ধচন্দ্রাকার ইসলামিক সরদল আছে।

খেমার সরদল মধ্যে প্রিয়া কো শৈলী, দেরী 9 ম শতাব্দীর কথা স্মরণ করিয়ে দেয়, পরে ইউরোপীয় scrollwork শৈলী।

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