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সশব্দ Meaning in English

/adverb/ Noisily; with a sound.

সশব্দ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


having sound/ noise; full of cries; sounding; loud; noisy; clamorous.

সশব্দে (adverb) with noise; noisily; loudly; clamorously.

সশব্দ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

near the nest fly around, diving at potential predators while calling noisily.

Davis demanded a public apology, but instead the two officers argued noisily and physically, concluding in Davis mortally wounding Nelson with a pistol.

The nest and young are defended noisily and aggressively against all intruders, up to and including horses and.

spends the daylight hours buried in the sand, emerging at night to fly noisily around in search of mates and food.

the kōkakos, saddlebacks mostly bound from branch to branch but can fly noisily over short distances.

dugout in the 11th inning, Youppi! took a running leap, landing hard and noisily on its roof, and then sneaked into a front row seat.

A lip-smack in the non-percussive sense of the lips noisily parting would be [ʬ↓].

the hymns, Vayu is 'described as having "exceptional beauty" and moving noisily in his shining coach, driven by two or forty-nine or one-thousand white.

purses and umbrellas, and it would become impossible not to walk along noisily, but they are said to disappear upon relaxing one's ki.

while eating), from Prakrit caṭṭei चट्टेइ (to devour with relish, eat noisily).

A tea taster uses a large spoon and noisily slurps the liquid into his/her mouth - this ensures that both the tea and.

They noisily move away from the shore when disturbed, giving them their common name.

A stick shaker is a mechanical device designed to rapidly and noisily vibrate the control yoke (the "stick") of an aircraft, warning the flight crew that.

small, short-tailed bird that is more often heard than seen, foraging noisily for lerps and other small creatures in the treetops.

When approaching the valley, the crusaders marched noisily and were immediately subjected to a hail of arrows.

As an intransitive verb, to bicker, or argue angrily and noisily.

English name because of the habit of some species of tapping and pecking noisily on tree trunks with their beaks and heads.

31:18 describes "the finger of God", and Genesis 3:8 describes God as noisily walking in the garden of Eden.

The lady-wolf [Thiassi] flew noisily to meet the commanders of the crew [the Æsir] no short time ago in an old.

*tʃin to throw *tʃitot country, to plant *tʃiw (to be) cold *tʃok to suck "noisily", to make a "sucking" sound *tʃom to step; to insist pisar, bater o pé.

সশব্দ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

এরা খুব সশব্দ পাখি বলে এদেরকে সবসময়ই দেখতে পাওয়া যায়।

এটি একটি সশব্দ পাখি, কচ্কচিয়া আওয়াজ, বিস্ফোরক বা ডঙ্কা আওয়াজের মাধ্যমে এদের চেনা যায়।

অসাধারণ সৌন্দর্যে ভরা স্থানটিকে পাহাড়ীনদীর সশব্দ প্রবাহ আরও আকর্ষণীয় করেছে ।

থিয়েস্টিস তৃপ্তি সহকারেই ভক্ষণ করেছিলেন, এবং খাওয়া শেষে সশব্দ ঢেঁকুরও তুলেছিলেন।

তবে এটি বিশেষ করে বৃষ্টিপাতের মতো স্বভাবত সশব্দ পরিবর্তনশীলগুলোর জন্য কঠিন।

আপরকে দ্বন্দ্বে আহ্বান করা; সগর্ব উক্তি তাল তোলা বায়না করা তাল পড়া পিঠে সশব্দ কিল পড়া তাল রাখা অপরের সাথে কাজে সঙ্গতি রাখা তাল সামলানো ঝক্কি সামলানো।

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