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সাকল্য Meaning in English

/Noun/ Entirety; completeness; whole; total amount.

সাকল্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


totality; completeness; entireness; whole; total amount/ number.

সাকল্যে, সাকুল্যে (adverb) in toto; in all.

সাকল্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

It comprises the entirety of Kashmore District.

Many jurisdictions also recognize tenancies by the entirety, which is effectively a joint tenancy between married persons.

the constituency represented the entirety of the New Hebrides condominium and the constituency represented the entirety of New Caledonia until a redistricting.

Canadian football flanker in the Canadian Football League who played the entirety of his career with the Ottawa Rough Riders.

It takes in almost the entirety of the Nicois backcountry, and down to the sea to the west of the city.

The entirety of the route also forms the entirety of European route E 902, a B class road in the International.

first published in August 1934 in The Crisis and later republished in its entirety on the cover of The Crisis in 1940.

neither 1970 nor 1981 was a leap year these two years correspond in their entirety.

The entirety of the route forms the entirety of European route E 72, which is a part of the inter-European.

The family tree of the 25th Dynasty is too complex to show in its entirety and it is not always clear whether a pharaoh is a son or brother of his predecessor.

the ship as practical, to give the conning team good visibility of the entirety of the ship, ocean conditions, and other vessels.

over the entire face and when flipped up exposes the wearer's face in its entirety.

As part of a 2013 realignment, the entirety of the former Atlantic Division was realigned into the Metropolitan Division.

entirety with the Jo Quail Quartet) Myrkur (Folkesange set) Ovtrenoir Petbrick Pharmakon Rakta Sherpa (performing Tigris ' Euphrates in its entirety).

former regions of the Northwest Territories (NWT), separated in their entirety.

any such case, creditors can look to both the "entirety of the bank's assets" as well as the entirety of the sole-proprietor's/general-partners' assets.

5 miles), and the entirety of the route forms the entirety of the European route E901, a B class road in the International.

" The Deposit of Faith (Latin: fidei depositum) refers to the entirety of divine revelation.

state body, the Knesset is sovereign and thus has complete control of the entirety of the Israeli government (with the exception of checks and balances from.

সাকল্য এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

ব্যাখ্যাঃ আমার সকল নিয়ে বসে আছি সর্বনাশের আশায় এখানে সকল বলতে বুঝানো হয়েছে সাকল্য

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