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সুকর Meaning in English

/adjective/ Easily done; simple; easy; practicable.

সুকর এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


easy to be done; easy for.

সুকরতা (noun) easiness; feasibleness.

সুকর এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Both the chopping down of the tree and the digging out of the log were easily done with an iron-axe.

was in Italy that a sixth course became commonplace and this was an easily done by replacing or reworking the nut and bridge to plug in another tuning.

been decoupled, starting with the R300, but the pixel shader was not so easily done, as it required colour data (e.

The classification of presidential directives is not easily done, as the distinction between the types can be quite arbitrary, arising.

point" for my series, but the way I had it worked out, I could have easily done 100 issues or more before I had to send the team off to Krakoa.

If there is a price change, this can also be easily done through the inventory window.

This is most easily done by bringing liquid hydrogen near its boiling point and then reducing.

This is most easily done with explosives.

Proof of the conformal relation can be easily done when one writes down the first law of thermodynamics (dU=TdS+.

This is most easily done by centrifugation, which packs the denser blood cells and platelets to.

George Schaefer, who said the play was ideal for TV because it could be easily done in 90 minutes.

of peptides and proteins with biologically useful iodine isotopes is easily done by an oxidation reaction that replaces the hydroxyl group with iodine.

However, characters would sometimes state the initials to represent "quite easily done.

plant is very difficult to propagate using spores, but it may be more easily done using sections of the rhizome.

there are plans to also start TV transmissions, which are now, on the Internet, more easily done on a small budget.

This process is more easily done nowadays utilizing a computer than done manually, with features inside.

This is easily done in a single pass through the program, following acyclic chained jumps.

Estimating mass is most easily done with the.

Robot motion is more easily done with wheels, but this robot was designed specifically to study human.

In software, this is most easily done by mapping non-negative inputs to odd outputs, and negative inputs to.

more easily done from a skeleton than estimating mass, since muscle volume makes a much smaller difference.

সুকর এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

marmoratus, সোনালী পাহাড়ী ব্যাঙ, Pointed-headed Frog, Clinotarsus alticola, সুকর ডাকা ব্যাঙ, Groaning Frog, Humerana humeralis, সবুজ ধানী ব্যাঙ, Green Paddy।

মন্দিরে তিনি রাম-সীতা, লক্ষ্মণ ও সীতা, দ্বিভূজ, কালীয়মর্দন, চতুর্ভূজ, সুবিতল, সুকর, নৃসিংহ এবং বসমত্ম-বিতল এই আট প্রকার মূর্তি স্থাপন করেন।

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