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সুপ্রযুক্ত Meaning in English

/Noun/ Proper application; good or profitable use.

সুপ্রযুক্ত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


well-applied; very appropriately used.

সুপ্রযুক্ত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

jurisprudence and thus normally only hear appeals concerning the proper application of law.

status as a slave or free state; he had repeatedly asserted that the proper application of popular sovereignty would prevent slavery-induced conflict and.

" With proper application support, these axes could be adjusted on demand.

In order for governments to ensure the proper application of their tax laws, the free and accurate exchange of information is.

important when using pesticides to plan ahead, ensure proper application time, ensure proper application, and clean up properly.

the improvement of statistical education at all levels promote the proper application of statistics anticipate and meet member needs use the discipline.

It is also odorless and proper application lasts for the lifetime of the wood.

Certain colors are also associated with specific emotions and the proper application of these colors adds to the effectiveness of a presentation through.

with Qualified Security Assessors and support the consistent and proper application of PCI DSS measures and controls within the organization.

States Supreme Court which provides the writ of coram nobis as the proper application to request federal post-conviction judicial review for those who have.

writings have provided incisive commentary on test construction and the proper application of psychological tests.

The CRTC was willing to authorize CKLM to go back on the air if a proper application would have been made; there is however no record of any such application.

The proper application of the waste hierarchy can have several benefits.

assigns to Public Attorneys the institutional function of ensuring the proper application of health laws by the Public Powers and services of public relevance.

Paint application requires preparation and primer steps to ensure proper application.

States, without first obtaining a permit from the Commission upon proper application therefor.

design as an alternative explanation to evolution, he wrote "The proper application of both the endorsement and Lemon tests to the facts of this case.

সুপ্রযুক্ত এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

পৃথিবীতে অথবা পৃথিবীর কিছু অংশে এই শব্দের ব্যবহার সুপ্রযুক্ত

করেন এবং বিজ্ঞানী জ্যাকোবাস হেনরিকাসের অপ্রতিসম কার্বন পরমাণু তত্ত্বের সুপ্রযুক্ত প্রয়োগের মাধ্যমে সঠিকভাবে এদের সমাণুর ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করতে সমর্থ হন।

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