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স্ফুরিত Meaning in English

/adjective/ Quivering; trembling; expressed; shaken; agitated; swelled; illuminated; Brilliant.; radiant.

স্ফুরিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) quivering; throbbing; trembling; palpitating; quivered; trembled.

(2) flashing; glowing; glittering; shining; glittered; flashed.

(3) broken forth; burst into view; suddenly arisen/appeared.

(4) manifested; expressed; plainly displayed/exhibited.

(5) swollen; swelled.

(6) awakened; excited.

স্ফুরিত হওয়া (verb transitive) (1)

tremble; throb; quiver; twitch; palpitate.

(2) flash; glitter; gleam; glisten; twinkle; glow; shine; be brilliant/distinguished.

(4) dart; bound; rebound; spring.

(5) break forth; burst out plainly/visibly; start into view; be evident/manifest.

(6) be awakened/incited.

স্ফুরিতাধর (noun) trembling/quivering lips.

(adjective) having trembling/ quivering lips.

স্ফুরিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

should be distinguished from the more common, and milder, involuntary quivering of an eyelid, known as myokymia, or fasciculation.

Myokymia is an involuntary, spontaneous, localized quivering of a few muscles, or bundles within a muscle, but which are insufficient to move a joint.

scurry a short distance, in quick, hesitant spurts, with their antennae quivering vigorously as they go - and then they abruptly take off, typically only.

Bowie's Outside (1995), although the biographer concludes: "Bowie's vocal, quivering and unstable, is just too much.

] not the anger of an exploding bomb but of a bow stretched taut and quivering.

Behind the language of peace and friendship there was power and quivering shadow of action and a determination not to submit to a wrong.

Her unmistakably high-pitched, quivering and aristocratic voice, made her a frequent choice to play dimwitted or.

He was particularly famous for singing soft and sombre ghazals in his quivering and silky voice.

comes that you see Nothing but trash and that you no longer feel Her body quivering in the Floréal Toward the cool night and its fantastic star, Prime paramour.

A form of this is axiomancy, this is when the quivering of the blade of an axe that has been.

the direction of the handle or the quivering of the blade.

Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten (united discord of quivering strings), BWV 207.

স্ফুরিত এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

এলইডিজিএফ, শক্তভাবে বন্ধনযুক্ত এইচআইভি আইএন এবং ইন্টিগ্রেশনের জন্য উচ্চ স্ফুরিত জিনের দিকে এইচআইভি প্রাক-ইন্টিগ্রেশন জটিলকে নির্দেশ দেয়।

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