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abducent Meaning in Bengali


একটি ছোট মোটর নার্ভ চোখের পার্শ্বীয় স্ট্রেইট পেশী সরবরাহ



abducent's Usage Examples:

The abducens nerve (or abducent nerve) is the sixth cranial nerve (CNVI), in humans, that controls the movement of the lateral rectus muscle, responsible.

communicates with the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic and the abducent nerves, and with the ciliary ganglion, and distributes filaments to the.

elongated swelling, the colliculus facialis, which overlies the nucleus of the abducent nerve, and is, in part at least, produced by the internal genu of the facial.

petrosal process is a sharp process below the notch for the passage of the abducent nerve on either side of the dorsum sellae of the sphenoid bone.

internal carotid plexus communicates with the trigeminal ganglion, the abducent nerve, and the pterygopalatine ganglion (also named sphenopalatine); it.

Abducent may refer to: As an anatomical terms of motion, used to a structure that is "abducting" The abducent nerve This disambiguation page lists articles.

the sympathetic, and communicates with the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducent nerves; it gives off a recurrent (meningeal) filament which passes between.

attachment to the tentorium cerebelli, and below each is a notch for the abducent nerve.

nasociliary nerve (lies between the two divisions of oculomotor nerve) and abducent nerve Medial part transmits: Inferior ophthalmic veins and sympathetic.

(IV) lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary branches of ophthalmic nerve (V1) abducent nerve (VI) sphenoid middle cranial fossa foramen rotundum 2 - maxillary.

On either side of the dorsum sellae is a notch for the passage of the abducent nerve, and below the notch a sharp process, the petrosal process, which.

cranial nerves involved were vagus, trigeminal, spinal accessory nerve, abducent, occulomotor and glossopharyngeal in this order.

It transmits the oculomotor nerve, the trochlear nerve, and the abducent nerve, the three branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal.

V W X Y Z abdomen abdominal aorta abducens nerve abducens nucleus abducent abducent nerve abduction accessory bone accessory cuneate nucleus accessory.

surrounded by filaments of the sympathetic trunk and on its lateral side is the abducent nerve, or cranial nerve VI.

his book Records of Animal Sagacity and Character (1861) he provided "abducent evidence" for the "mental capacities of animals furnished by their actions".

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia Nystagmus Ophthalmoparesis Opsoclonus Sixth (abducent) nerve palsy The following terms may be used to describe eye movement:.

abducent's Meaning':

a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye




adducent; adductive;

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