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ablaut Meaning in Bengali

 অপশ্রুতি , শব্দ বা ধাতুরূপ করিবার সময় শব্দের মধ্যস্থিত স্বরবর্ণের পরিবর্তন

একটি স্বরবর্ণ যার মান বা দৈর্ঘ্য ভাষাগত প্রভেদ ইঙ্গিত পরিবর্তিত হয় (যেমন Sing গাওয়া গেয়েছিলেন গান



ablaut শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

নিম্নের সর্বনাম সংক্রান্ত উদাহরণ পুননির্মান করেন, একবচন~বহুবচনের জন্য *a~*i অপশ্রুতি সহ: এখানে একটি সম্পর্ক আছে কিন্তু তা ক্ষীণ সাধারণ প্রত্যয়ন করা রূপ ।

অপশ্রুতি (ইংরেজি: Apophony বা Ablaut) বলতে কোন শব্দের স্বরধ্বনি বা ব্যঞ্জনধ্বনির যে পরিবর্তনের মাধ্যমে শব্দটির ব্যাকরণিক ভূমিকা পরিবর্তন ঘটে, তাকে বোঝায় ।

ablaut's Usage Examples:

linguistics, the Indo-European ablaut (British pronunciation /ˈablaʊt/, US pronunciation /ˈæblaʊt/, from German ablaut pronounced [aplaʊt]) is a system.

as a/aŋ-ablaut, e-ablaut, and iŋ-ablaut respectively.

Some words are ablauted by some and not others, like "gray" hóta or hótA.

and exhibited a complex pattern of accent shifts and/or vowel changes (ablaut) among the different cases.

In linguistics, apophony (also known as ablaut, (vowel) gradation, (vowel) mutation, alternation, internal modification, stem modification, stem alternation.

suffixes (analogous to English life, lives, life's, lives') as well as ablaut (vowel alterations, as preserved in English sing, sang, sung, song) and.

consonant and vocalic ablaut.

These words also had no ablaut variations within their paradigms.

(However, accent and ablaut were still associated; for example, thematic.

morphemes to a root and by changing the root's vowel in a process called ablaut.

Strong (or vocalic) verbs display vowel gradation or ablaut, that is, the past tense is marked by a change in the vowel in the stem.

Extend the general occurrence of the Indo-European ablaut to syllables with reconstructed vowel phonemes other than *e or *o.

and such ablaut is called more generally Narten ablaut.

The other roots would then be non-Narten roots, exhibiting the R(e) ~ R(Ø) ablaut and allowing.

An ablaut is the vowel changes within a single root or its relations that is common.

Indo-European studies, a thematic vowel or theme vowel is the vowel *e or *o from ablaut placed before the ending of a Proto-Indo-European (PIE) word.

specific form of nonconcatenative morphology is known as base modification or ablaut, a form in which part of the root undergoes a phonological change without.

a verb that marks its past tense by means of changes to the stem vowel (ablaut).

show certain characteristic properties: Adjectives are formed using zero-ablaut ro-stems (i.

In some cases, a noun pluralizes by stem ablaut without suffixation; one example of unsuffixed plural ablaut is æ̀-ɣata ('crocodile'), which is pluralized.

other proposed Penutian languages, Plateau Penutian languages are rich in ablaut, much like Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic languages.

to the strongest grade of vowel in the Proto-Indo-European phenomenon of ablaut more generally referred to as apophony.

man" Another principle of vocalic dialectization follows the Indo-European ablaut series or vowel grades.

ablaut's Meaning':

a vowel whose quality or length is changed to indicate linguistic distinctions (such as sing sang sung song


vowel; gradation; vowel sound; grade;


consonant; low; mild; high; intense;

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