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absolutist Meaning in Bengali

 স্বেচ্ছাচার শাসনপ্রণালীর সমর্থক

absolutist's Usage Examples:

argue that most monarchs labeled as absolutist exerted no greater power over their subjects than any other non-absolutist rulers, and these historians tend.

However, many religions also adhere to moral absolutist positions, since their moral system is derived from divine commandments.

Enlightened absolutism (also called enlightened despotism or enlightened absolutist) refers to the conduct and policies of European absolute monarchs during.

interrupted but actually intensified and legimitised during the Fernandine absolutist restorations— as well as the confiscation of Church properties.

and absolutist governments, resulting in corporatism being used to enforce social hierarchy.

After the French Revolution, the existing absolutist corporatist.

He later represented the Absolutist (or Klerikalabsolutist) direction, which culminated in the concordat of.

universalism are absolutist, nor are they necessarily value monist; many forms of universalism, such as utilitarianism, are non-absolutist, and some forms.

in January 1820 by the lieutenant-colonel Rafael de Riego against the absolutist rule of Ferdinand VII.

The Kingdom of France (the remnant of the preceding absolutist Kingdom of France) was a constitutional monarchy that governed France from 3 September 1791.

Abdulhamid II had dissolved the parliament by 1878 and returned to an absolutist regime, marked by extensive use of secret police to silence dissent, and.

V of Denmark was the crown used at the coronation of all of Denmark's absolutist kings.

April Revolt (Portuguese: Abrilada), in the history of Portugal, was an absolutist political revolt that took place in April 1824.

Both Austria and Prussia established repressive absolutist police states domestically, and pressured other German states to do the.

Officially it was a constitutional monarchy, but absolutist in practice.

Britain could borrow more cheaply (at lower rates of interest) than could absolutist states (such as France) in which bondholders' voices were not represented.




nonadhesive; leader;

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