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abstinence Meaning in Bengali

 (আহার বিহারে) সংযম , উপরতি


মিতাহার, উপরতি, মিতাচার, বিরতি, পরিহার,

abstinence শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ষট্-সম্পত্তি – ছয়টি গুণ: শম – মানসিক শান্তি; দম – ইন্দ্রিয় সংযম; উপরতি –জাগতিক ক্রিয়াকর্ম থেকে নিষ্কৃতি; তিতিক্ষা – প্রতিকূল অবস্থাতেও শান্ত থাকা; ।

বাণপ্রস্থ সন্ন্যাস পুরুষার্থ ধর্ম অর্থ কাম মোক্ষ মন অন্তঃকরণ প্রমাণ গুণ অহংকার উপরতি তিতিক্ষা আনন্দ ক্ষমা শম দম ধ্যান মোক্ষ বিবেক বৈরাগ্য সমাধান শ্রদ্ধা ষড়রিপু ।

যৌনতায় বিরতি বা উপরতি পরিভাষাকে অনেক সময় প্রচারণা হিসেবে ছড়ানোর চেষ্টা করা হয়, এর অর্থ ।

abstinence's Usage Examples:

Teetotalism is the practice or promotion of complete personal abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

Sexual abstinence or sexual restraint is the practice of refraining from some or all aspects of sexual activity for medical, psychological, legal, social.

reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence.

of fasting and abstinence at various times each year.

For Catholics, fasting is the reduction of one's intake of food, while abstinence refers to refraining.

historically kept in many parts of Christendom as a day of strict fasting and abstinence from alcohol, meat and lacticinia.

Purity rings (also known as promise rings, abstinence rings, or chastity rings) are rings worn as a sign of chastity.

Neonatal withdrawal or neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a withdrawal syndrome of infants after birth caused by in utero exposure to drugs of dependence.

movement typically criticize alcohol intoxication or promote complete abstinence from alcohol (teetotalism), and its leaders emphasize alcohol's negative.

The pamphlet advocated a range of safe-sex practices, including abstinence, condoms, personal hygiene, use of personal lubricants, and STI testing/treatment.

For unmarried persons, chastity is equivalent to sexual abstinence.

information about both abstinence and contraception, while approximately one third of schools provided students with abstinence-only sex education.

[abstinence] for everyone else.

" On July 13, 2011, Palin had an interview with Christianity Today in which she reaffirmed her stance on abstinence.

In a wider sense, it is commonly understood to only mean abstinence from sexual activity.

and absolute consciousness observe complete abstinence.

Those who practice the path of partial abstinence are called Śrāvaka.


sawm; temperance; fasting; chastity; celibacy; teetotaling; teetotalism; sexual abstention; self-discipline; sobriety; fast; self-denial; suppression; inhibition; self-control;


gradual; indiscipline; nondevelopment; unrestraint; irresoluteness;

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