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acanthopterygian Meaning in Bengali

পাখনা সঙ্গে একটি teleost মাছ যে ধারালো অনমনীয় রে দ্বারা সমর্থিত

acanthopterygian's Usage Examples:

The notothens or cod icefishes are the family Nototheniidae of acanthopterygian fishes.

more characteristics in common than "any other two arbitrarily chosen acanthopterygian forms might be expected to have," therefore justifying the placement.

interpretations, in the form of cladograms, of relationships among acanthopterygians, spiny-rayed fishes: Figure A from Nelson (2006) and B from Johnson.

Catalogue of the acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum.

Revision of the acanthopterygian fish family Pegasidae (order Gasterosteiformes).

acanthopterygian's Meaning':

a teleost fish with fins that are supported by sharp inflexible rays


squirrelfish; percoidean; angler fish; launce; Photoblepharon palpebratus; sand eel; stickleback; sucking fish; frogfish; sargassum fish; monkfish; superorder Acanthopterygii; percoid fish; batfish; suckerfish; silversides; spiny-finned fish; flashlight fish; barracuda; silverside; teleost fish; sand lance; allmouth; flatfish; angler; anglerfish; percoid; teleostan; scorpaenoid fish; teleost; Lophius Americanus; Acanthopterygii; plectognath; dory; Capros aper; goosefish; toadfish; plectognath fish; Opsanus tau; anomalops; boarfish; scorpaenoid; remora; sand launce; dragonet; prickleback; lotte;


soft-finned fish; spiny-finned fish;

acanthopterygian's Meaning in Other Sites