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accept Meaning in Bengali

 গ্রহণ করা, সম্মত হওয়া, স্বীকার করা


পরিশোধ করিতে করা, পরিগ্রহ করা, সমর্থন করা, নেত্তয়া, পালন করিতে স্বীকার করা, করিতে দেত্তয়া, অঙ্গীকার করা, নিযুক্ত করা, মিটাইতে স্বীকার করা, গ্রাহ্য করা, মঁজুর করা, মানিয়া চলিতে স্বীকার করা, মানিয়া চলা, মেনে নেত্তয়া, মানিয়া লত্তয়া, মানা, স্বীকার করা, গ্রহণ করা,

accept's Usage Examples:

particular Mafia family is ready to accept new members; in contrast, if a family is unwilling or unable to accept new members, the "books are closed".

that it accepts information in German or English, with German as preferred by setting the q value for de higher than that of en, as follows: Accept-Language:.

three ways: as those who accept the epistemic authority of the Vedas; as those who accept the existence of ātman; as those who accept the existence of Ishvara.

It is commonly quoted as: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom.

Brønsted–Lowry acid–base theory (1923), a base is a substance that can accept hydrogen cations (H+)—otherwise known as protons.

There is no obligation on the creditor to accept the tendered payment, but the act of tendering the payment in legal tender.

is accepted.

Each state of an acceptor is either accepting or non accepting.

Once all input has been received, if the current state is an accepting state.

The receiving state of the proposed diplomat may accept the diplomat or refuse to accept the diplomat without having to provide reasons for its.

religions accept only one deity (predominantly referred to as "God"), polytheistic religions accept multiple deities.

Henotheistic religions accept one supreme.

Catholic Churches accept all seven of these councils as legitimate ecumenical councils.

The Non-Chalcedonian Oriental Orthodox Churches accept only the first.

intended to accept a number of different plug types.

Although it may accept NEMA.

develop wisdom (prajñā) leading to the realization of Ultimate Truth We accept the Four Noble Truths, namely duḥkha, the arising of duḥkha, the cessation.

whereby they guarantee payment in case of damage or financial loss and accept the financial risk for liability arising from such guarantee.

Insurance companies that accept reinsurance refer to the business as 'assumed reinsurance'.

determine what method of payment he or she will accept; though normally laws require the payer to accept the country's legal tender up to a prescribed limit.

Academic research standards generally do not accept tertiary sources as citations.

and calls accept(visitor) on each element.

First, the Client calls accept(visitor) on ElementA, which calls visitElementA(this) on the accepted visitor.


resign; embrace; acknowledge; pass judgment; honour; espouse; approbate; adopt; observe; know; receive; reconcile; abide by; judge; recognise; believe; sweep up; honor; take a bow; submit; respect; recognize; evaluate;


welcome; disrespect; reprobate; reject; disbelieve;

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