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accosts Meaning in Bengali

 ভূমিকা, সম্বোধন,


সম্বোধন করা, সমীপবর্তী হইয়া সম্বোধন করা, সম্ভাষণ করা, আলাপ শুরু করা,

accosts শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তিনি তত্ত্ববোধিনী সভা এবং ব্রাহ্মসমাজ নানা সাংগঠনিক কাজে সক্রিয় ভূমিকা পালন করতেন ।

কানাডার ফরাসীভাষী কমন্স সভা কিংবা আইনসভায় তাকে প্রেসিডেন্টরূপে সম্ভাষণ করা হয় ।

শৈলীটিকে জনপ্রিয় করে তোলার ক্ষেত্রে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করেন ।

accosts's Usage Examples:

A thug accosts a girl as she leaves her workplace but a man rescues her.

He is among the wrathful in the river Styx, and accosts Dante as the latter crosses the Styx.

The Man in a Gray Suit – This man accosts people for donations to a Widow and Orphan Asylum (Seminoles).

Joe accosts them in clown costume, and they run away.

and disrupt the show when Sheriff James Whitcolm Wyatt (Irving Bacon) accosts them.

Gobi accosts Britta for interfering with his parenting.

Concurrently, Henry accosts the Savior prisoners with a gun, demanding to know which one of them killed.

When she accosts him at a society party about this, he beats her.

Jack tracks Kate down and accosts her for leaving the hatch.

Moments before she is about to depart, Grant accosts her and an argument culminates in Tiffany falling down the stairs and being.

She accosts a local priest, and convinces him to wed them for ten shillings and a tin.

In the final scene, Alma accosts a young traveling salesman at dusk in the town park, and as the curtain.

Glenn accosts Rick for the failure of their mission, not only failing to bring back Daryl.

Impressed with her usefulness, Andre accosts Sookie and begins to force her to exchange blood with him, to tie her permanently.

Alejandro emerges from hiding, implies he has taken her gun, and accosts her, apparently intending to rape her.

English folk song "Sovay", in which a woman dresses as a highwayman and accosts her lover in order to test his devotion, as an inspiration for the story.

Abed accosts two little boys who attempt to go see the movie (who happen to be Shirley's.

Steve accosts Jonathan, but Jonathan beats him in a fight and Steve sees the error of.

Maggie accosts Gregory, who does not deny his act, and taunts her that she will refuse.

Lewis admits they were involved and Sheriff Ritter accosts them for their role in the incident, but lets them go.


recognise; come up; come; come up to; approach; recognize; address; greet;


reject; decertify; ignore; dishonor; go;

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