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account for Meaning in Bengali

 কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া, কারণ দর্শানো,


কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া, কারণ দর্শানো,

account for শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সার্ভার ২০১২ হতে মাইক্রোসফট বিটলকারে ব্যবহৃত এলিফ্যান্ট বিক্ষেপক কোন কারণ দর্শানো ছাড়াই বাদ দেয় ।

কোনো উপযুক্ত কারণ দর্শানো পূর্বক এবং স্থানীয় পৌরসভার অনুমতি সাপেক্ষে ১৬-১৮ বছর বয়সে বিয়ের অনুমতি ।

১৯২৬ সালে, দামেস্কের মিলিটারি কোর্ট কারণ দর্শানো ছাড়াই ৩৫৫ জন সিরীয়কে মৃত্যুদন্ড দেয় ।

এটি জারি করার কোনো কারণ দর্শানো হয়নি ।

সিরিয়াতে সিরিয় সরকার কর্তৃক কোন কারণ দর্শানো ছাড়াই আরবি উইকিপিডিয়ার ডোমেইনকে ব্লক করে দেওয়া হয় ।

 কোন কারণ দর্শানো ছাড়া কর্মসংস্থান যে কোন মুহূর্তে শেষ করা যাবে ।

account for's Usage Examples:

the English language; studies and analyses of texts have found it to account for seven percent of all printed English-language words.

These categories account for over 15% of AIP-funded airports in the U.

self-employed workers alone account for about 28% of the total non-farm employment and firms with fewer than 100 employees account for about 62% of total employment.

Dark matter is believed to be a form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe and about 27% of its total mass–energy.

While most other forms of neoclassical economics do not account for spatial relationships between individuals and organizations, urban economics.

to help decrease heating costs, since, on average, uninsulated attics account for 15 percent of the total energy loss in average houses.

The entire order contains over 8,000 species, of which the Ericaceae account for 2,000-4,000 species (by various estimates).

chain stores compared to the high percentage of mass merchants that account for overall album sales.

account for 80% of manufactured batteries in the US and over 10 billion individual units produced worldwide.

In Japan alkaline batteries account for 46%.

(Byzantine) Catholics, all Catholics account for 66%.

Members of a Protestant denomination, mainly Lutheran or Reformed, account for 9%.

single-family dwellings account for seven out of ten (70%) of the residences in the neighbourhood.

Row houses account for another one out of every six.

since it does not account for any planetary perturbations.

The heliocentric JPL Small-Body Database solution also does not account for the mass of Jupiter.

account for almost one out of every two (47%) of residences.

Duplexes account for a further one in five (20%) residences while row houses account for.

relativity, which the Standard model (of particle physics) currently cannot account for.

intracellular parasites in the superphylum Alveolata, which was suggested to account for the genus Perkinsus and other protist species that do not fit into existing.

Consulting services are part of the tertiary sector and account for several hundred billion dollars in annual revenues.

These elements have different characteristics and these also account for different faculties of human experience.

These account for 39% of, or just under four out of every ten, residences.

Single-family dwellings account for another one out of every.

chops are the most commonly consumed meat cut from the pork loin and account for 10% of total pork consumption.

Collectively, assessments by these organizations and groups account for nearly half the species on the Red List.




agree; suffer;

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