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accreted Meaning in Bengali



জুড়ে যাত্তয়া,

accreted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সাম্প্রতিক আরও আবিষ্কার থেকে জানা গেছে যে অগ্রচাপ অঞ্চলে উপলিপ্ত উপাদানের কিছু অংশ ম্যান্টল উৎস থেকে আসে, এর সঙ্গে থাকে মহাদেশীয় উপাদান ।

চাপের অনুক্রমগুলি যা মহাদেশীয় ভূত্বকে গঠিত হয়েছিল অথবা মহাদেশীয় ভূত্বকে উপলিপ্ত হয়েছিল সেগুলি গভীরভাবে ক্ষয়প্রাপ্ত হয়েছে আর আগ্নেয় চাপের প্লুটোনিক ।

নাক্ষত্রিক সহচর থেকে গ্যাস উপলিপ্ত হয় এবং নিউট্রন তারার চৌম্বক ক্ষেত্র দ্বারা চালিত হয়ে দুই বা ততোধিক স্থানীয় ।

accreted's Usage Examples:

crust fragment formed on a tectonic plate (or broken off from it) and accreted or "sutured" to crust lying on another plate.

formation would then take place in the accreted material because of the shocks and compressions of the accreted material.

An accretionary wedge or accretionary prism forms from sediments accreted onto the non-subducting tectonic plate at a convergent plate boundary.

another asteroid re-accreted gravitationally.

Thus it is likely that both Remus and Romulus are smaller rubble piles which accreted in orbit around the.

stellar wind or ejected via pulsational behavior, or if additional mass is accreted, such as from a companion star.

the white dwarf is close enough to its companion star to start drawing accreted matter onto the surface of the white dwarf, which creates a dense but shallow.

this craton are fragments of crustal material called terranes, which are accreted to the craton by tectonic actions over a long span of time.

Much of western North America is composed of these accreted terranes.

re-accreted gravitationally.

Therefore, it is likely that both Romulus and Remus, the second of Sylvia's moons, are smaller rubble piles which accreted in.

A detailed analysis of the spectrum of WD J2356−209 shows that the accreted planetesimal was abnormally sodium-rich, containing up to ten times more.

was once separated by oceanic crust from the Cuyania terrane to which it accreted at ~420-390 Ma when Cuyania was already amalgamated with Gondwana.

of oceanic crust that became wedged between plates when a terrane was accreted to the edge of the continent.

that NGC 1277 lacks metal-poor globular clusters, suggesting that it has accreted little mass over its lifetime and supporting the relic galaxy hypothesis.

came into existence during the Ordovician as other ancient land masses accreted onto North America.

This may have been accreted from the HD 122742 system when the three stars were closer to each other.

multiple accreted "terranes," pieces of low-density continental crust with different origins.

For example, North America is made up of multiple accreted terranes.

latter stages of orogenesis, in contrast, saw multiple oceanic arc terranes accreted onto the western margin of North America in a "Cordilleran type" accretionary.

radiation flux is slightly variable due to the nuclear burning of the accreted helium on the surface.

heavy elements in the photosphere of Ross 640 indicates that it recently accreted rocky debris from its planetary system.


pile up; gather; cumulate; accumulate; amass; conglomerate;


take away; stand still; disunify; defuse; cool;

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