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accuracies Meaning in Bengali

accuracies's Usage Examples:

calibrated test instruments have higher accuracies, with laboratory instruments capable of measuring to accuracies of a few parts per million.

Some sources believe BeiDou-aided navigation could result in cruise missiles like the YJ-22 to achieve accuracies of up to 10 meters.

model existing structures, terrains in computer based systems to high accuracies, often under 1 cm.

quality inspection of imports at ports of entry; improvement of measurement accuracies and dissemination of information relating to standards.

X = {(x1, x2) ∈ R2 | x12 + x22 + sin(x1 + x2) ∈ [4,9]} with different accuracies.

(16 km), which made the problem of guiding the missile to the required accuracies much simpler than earlier designs that had lethal ranges of less than.

The process is iterated many times, and accuracies within 5% can be achieved.

These angles can be measured with accuracies down to microradians or seconds of arc.

analysis, allowing the monitoring of continental drift rates with millimetre accuracies.

techniques over the past 20 years[when?], NTC thermistors can now achieve accuracies over wide temperature ranges such as ±0.

000 yards (1,830 m) to 25,000 yards (22,860 m) range display with range accuracies of 50 yards (50 m) or 75 yards (70 m) RMS, respectively.

landform features to better than sub-meter, and when combined with RTK-GPS (accuracies to 1mm) enables the creation of very accurate maps of where these features.

of GPS positioning may be used for positioning the array of GIBs, with accuracies of cm to meter level in realtime possible.

The accuracies required to meet HOTA, as laid out in the Speedmeter Handbooks, are agreed.

late 1980s, techniques would have evolved to a degree that dimensional accuracies of better than 100 nm would be achievable.

Montana is based - can be expected to exhibit accuracies to within +/-2%, although field conditions make accuracies better than 5% doubtful.

will also offer high position accuracies over a wide geographical area like the Indian airspace.

These positions accuracies will be simultaneously available.

Parshall flumes can be expected to exhibit accuracies to within ±2%, although field conditions make accuracies better than 5% doubtful.


exactitude; truth; exactness; fidelity; accurate; quality; inaccurate;


right; inexactness; inaccuracy; accurate; inaccurate;

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