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accustoms Meaning in Bengali

 অভ্যস্ত করা,

করা মানসিকভাবে বা শারীরিকভাবে কিছু ব্যবহৃত (


অভ্যস্ত করা,

accustoms's Usage Examples:

argue that it safely teaches a horse a correct head position and gently accustoms a horse to what will be expected of it when carrying a rider.

Crate training accustoms the dog to the crate so that they can rest in it without stress.

The latter system is preferred by some as it accustoms the weaners to the presence of people and they are trained to take feed.

complexity, trains everyone who works actively in science to be humble, and accustoms him to impersonal acknowledgement of error.

He predicts that Van Weyden's character will change as he accustoms himself to the non-civilized life among the crew, where no one has any.

"It accustoms a man's mind to low ideas, and absorbs him in the pursuit of the mere.

teaches even the little children, artless and simple, to be greedy, and accustoms them to go from house to house and to offer novel gifts, fruits covered.

As Emily accustoms to life in Paris she makes countless faux-pas and the firm nicknames her.

preserved "if it does not carry out its own decisions, but to the contrary accustoms the aggressor to ignore its recommendations, its admonitions and its warnings.

As Eun-soo accustoms herself to her new surroundings, she and Choi Young gradually fall in.

example, foot drill is essential for the esprit de corps and cohesion, accustoms recruits to instinctive obedience, enables large units to be marched and.

Welcomed somewhat coldly by Yone, Leonie accustoms herself to unfamiliar customs and meets three Tokyo University students.

they wander their home ranges for two weeks so that their metabolism accustoms itself to the activity.

clearly indicates the meaning of the grammatical prefixes and suffixes; accustoms children to the idea of relationship between words, the construction of.

currently face and which perpetuate past inequalities, inasmuch as it accustoms people to seeing women also filling certain more senior posts.

He accustoms hiding in a barrel located at the entrance of the vecindad, but he lives.

astrological prediction still brings benefits, because "foreknowledge accustoms and calms the soul by experience of distant events as though they were.

accustoms's Meaning':

make psychologically or physically used (to something


hook; change; habituate; modify; indurate; teach; inure; alter; addict; harden;


undercharge; straight line; unhook; unfasten; stiffen;

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