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acquaintanceship Meaning in Bengali

একটি সম্পর্ক বন্ধুত্ব কম অন্তরঙ্গ

acquaintanceship's Usage Examples:

development of a relationship follows five stages: Acquaintance and acquaintanceship – Becoming acquainted depends on previous relationships, physical proximity.

earnest Christian life among its members, to increase their mutual acquaintanceship, and to make them more useful in the service of God.

French journalist Mohamed Sifaoui used his renewal of a childhood acquaintanceship with Bourti as his path to a three month undercover investigation into.

the claims of music, which had gained additional strength from his acquaintanceship with Johann Adam Hiller, soon came to occupy almost his sole attention.

medicine at the University of Vienna, during which time he made the acquaintanceship of zoologist Otto von Wettstein.

Later in Paris he made the acquaintanceship of botanist Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (1656-1708).

At the age of 18, he emigrated to Uruguay, where he made the acquaintanceship of botanist José Ernesto Gibert (1818–1886).

Review Board hearing that Zahid was tied to terrorism and that Hamad's acquaintanceship with him was one of the factors in favor of his continued detention.

afterwards continuing his education in Paris (1834), where he made the acquaintanceship of famed scientists that included Dupuytren, Flourens, Poiseuille and.

While working in the mental ward at the Charité, he made the acquaintanceship of Anton Ludwig Ernst Horn (1774-1848) and Johann Gottfried Langermann.

changes of meter between sections, and colorful chromaticism, showing an acquaintanceship with contemporary secular practice as well as the work of the Venetian.

gives unflattering reports of her in his Confessions, as well as her acquaintanceship with Denis Diderot, Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Baron d'Holbach and other.

present time, while investigating the Sisters' case, Childers renews his acquaintanceship with Bice, the daughter of a wealthy Duke who was a teenager when he.

youngest daughter, Victoire, but they seemed to have had only a formal acquaintanceship.

degree from the University of Coimbra; according to Bloom: "A warm acquaintanceship ensued, marked by an exegetical disagreement concerning The Gospel.

visited Fiume, Trieste, islands in the Gulf of Quarnero and made the acquaintanceship of botanists Bartolomeo Biasoletto, Friedrich Wilhelm Noë and Mutius.

In 1868 he made the acquaintanceship of chirologist Adolphe Desbarrolles (1801–1886), who along with Michon.

In Bonn he made the acquaintanceship of a publisher named Schorer, through whom he became an editor of Schorer's.

This can occur without reinforcement or even acquaintanceship with the love object.

acquaintanceship's Meaning':

a relationship less intimate than friendship


acquaintance; relationship;


stranger; affinity; consanguinity;

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