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actinomycosis Meaning in Bengali

গবাদি পশু যে মানুষের পরিবাহিত হতে পারে রোগ; actinomycetes সঙ্গে সংক্রমণ থেকে ফলাফল; হার্ড swellings যে দীর্ঘ সাইনাস মাধ্যমে পুঁজের ঝরান দ্বারা চিহ্নিত

actinomycosis's Usage Examples:

Cutaneous actinomycosis is a chronic disease that affects the deep subcutaneous tissue of the skin.

israelii is an opportunistic pathogen and a cause of actinomycosis.

Micrograph of actinomycosis, H'E stain Micrograph of actinomycosis, GMS stain Micrograph of actinomycosis, Gram stain Bowden, Geroge [sic].

The cause of death was actinomycosis, a bacterial infection that attacked the internal organs.

He died in August 1931 of a bacterial infection, actinomycosis.

It is the causative agent of lumpy jaw (actinomycosis) in cattle, and occasionally causes infections in humans.

organism of actinomycosis from a culture of grain, grasses, and soil.

After Bostroem's discovery there was a general misconception that actinomycosis was a.

for his pioneer research of actinomycosis, and his recognition of the causative role Actinomyces played in human actinomycosis.

lesion is similar to that of actinomycosis and eumycetoma, and its granules resemble the sulfur granules of actinomycosis.

Mouth actinobacillosis of cattle must be differentiated from actinomycosis that affects bone tissues of the maxilla.

It is, therefore, a form of actinomycosis.

Streptomyces somaliensis is a human pathogen and can cause actinomycosis.

In 1878, he provided the first description of actinomycosis in humans, caused by a pathogen that was later given the name Actinomyces.

He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for his monography Lung actinomycosis, apart from other distinctions (Order of Lenin and Order of the Red.

He contributed to the literature of actinomycosis and trichinosis and discovered a method of staining bacterial capsules.

In 1877 he described the etiologic agent of bovine actinomycosis ("lumpy jaw"), an organism that is now referred to as Actinomyces bovis.

actinomycosis's Meaning':

disease of cattle that can be transmitted to humans; results from infection with actinomycetes; characterized by hard swellings that exude pus through long sinuses

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