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actual possession Meaning in Bengali


প্রকৃত দখল,

actual possession's Usage Examples:

location, and uses (merely walking or hunting on land does not establish actual possession).

right of possession is the legitimacy of possession (with or without actual possession), the evidence for which is such that the law will uphold it unless.

He never took actual possession of his office, it been taken by Tomás mac Muircheartaigh Ó Cellaigh.

The United States has actual possession of Wake Island, which is under the immediate administration of the.

constructive possession stands in the same legal position as a person with actual possession.

whereby the seizin vested in the tenant (the vassal) was so similar to actual possession that it was considered a separate estate described as utile domain.

a landlord is obligated only to deliver legal possession, but not actual possession, of a leased premises to a tenant.

whose samples only 40% of the possessive forms were used to indicate actual possession.

included the provinces of Närke and Värmland; but he did not come into actual possession of them till after the fall of Eric and the succession to the throne.

Pedis possessio has been described as the actual possession of land within bounds set forth by the need of a mine claimant and.

, who has taken actual possession or occupation of the property without the permission of the legal.

battles can sometimes begin to resemble naval engagements, where the actual possession of territory is less important than the positions of one's tanks (or.

The seller/financer must take actual possession of the good before selling it to the customer, and must assume "any.

ownership maintained by or on behalf of the issuer, nor do they have actual possession of certificates.

A beneficiary in patent actual possession can still enjoy rights as against a purchaser, or more commonly a.

of property when he has actual physical control over the property (actual possession) or he has the right to exercise considerable control over the disposition.

Installation, called corporal or real institution, is the induction into the actual possession of a benefice.

Some security interests can be perfected only by the actual possession of the asset.

Orsini (cardinal-priest of San Clemente; papal claimant, never in actual possession) 1390–c.

M'Dowall of Machcrmore, Old Luce, Wigtownshire who seems to have been in actual possession under Sir John Vans, as superior ; the second from Dominus Johannes.


possession; ownership;



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