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addictive Meaning in Bengali

 আসক্তি সৃষ্টিকারী, অভ্যাসজনক,


অভ্যাসজনক, আসক্তি-সৃষ্টিকারী,

addictive শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

চিকিৎসাবিদ্যাবিষয়ক অবস্থা • আসক্তি-সৃষ্টিকারী আচরণ – এমন আচরণ, যা একইসাথে পারিতোষণমূলক ও ক্রমশক্তিশালীকরণমূলক • আসক্তি-সৃষ্টিকারী মাদকদ্রব্য – এমন ওষুধ, যা ।

আসক্তি-সৃষ্টিকারী ঔষধ এমন ধরনের ঔষধ যা কখনো কখনো ফলপ্রসূ এবং শক্তি বৃদ্ধিকারী উভয় হতে ।

করে, তবুও বেশিরভাগ সময় মরফিনের সুপারিশ করা হয় না কারণ মরফিন একটি আসক্তি-সৃষ্টিকারী ড্রাগ এবং রেচননালির চাপ বৃদ্ধি করে পরিস্থিতি আরও খারাপ করে ফেলে ।

addictive's Usage Examples:

a biological process—one that is induced by repeated exposure to an addictive stimulus—is the core pathology that drives the development and maintenance.

recovery of persons with addiction, of those with substance-related and addictive disorders, and of people who show unhealthy use of substances including.

The DSM-5 has re-classified the condition as an addictive disorder, with sufferers exhibiting many similarities to those who have.

An addictive personality refers to a hypothesized set of personality traits that make an individual predisposed to developing addictions.

of footpaths and hiking trails" (approved), "against advertising for addictive drugs" (rejected) and "for ensuring people's rights and the security of.

An addictive drug is a drug which is both rewarding and reinforcing.

plagiarism in graphics and game mechanics, while other reviewers found it addictive.

The West prohibited addictive drugs throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

follow them, are based on the set of guiding principles for recovery from addictive, compulsive, or other behavioral problems originally developed by Alcoholics.

positive reviews from critics, with it being described as "viral" and "addictive".

An addictive behavior is a behavior, or a stimulus related to a behavior (e.

The Manual of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment calls it the most addictive form of cocaine.

morphine and methamphetamine but with higher potency by weight, showing anti-addictive effects at the equivalent of half the minimum effective dose of 18-MC.

It has been widely described as addictive, and it has been noted that the game almost does not require a human to.

However, melange is also highly addictive, and withdrawal is fatal.

time broadened the definition of addiction from substances to include addictive behaviors and reward-seeking, such as gambling and sex.

Because this addictive behavior is not biological, one cannot develop a trait that codes for.





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