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adumbration Meaning in Bengali

 রেখান্যাস, রেখাভাস, আচ্ছাদন, ছায়াপাত,

অস্পষ্ট আগাম ইঙ্গিত প্রদান করিবেন; পূর্বেই প্রতিনিধিত্বমূলক


ছায়াপাত, আচ্ছাদন, রেখাভাস, রেখান্যাস,

adumbration শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আচ্ছাদন তন্ত্র (ইংরেজি: Integumentary system) মানবদেহের একটি তন্ত্র ।

এটি মানবমানবদেহের বাহ্যিক অঙ্গসমুহ আচ্ছাদন করে ।

adumbration's Usage Examples:

article on "adumbration", but our sister project Wiktionary does: Read the Wiktionary entry on "adumbration" You can also: Search for Adumbration in Wikipedia.

After the protonotaries left the adumbration of the minutes to the Abbreviators, those de Parco majori of the dignity.

Bradley Steiman writes: In hindsight, the book appears an almost uncanny adumbration of aspects of the later Nazi Holocaust in which the Jews of Europe perished.

same thing, in algorithmic terms, as your basic what-the-hell symbolic adumbration"), his plot will keep most readers raptly amazed.

Jon Levenson calls this an "undeniable adumbration" of Nathan's prophecy in 2 Samuel 7.

146: He notes that this was an "adumbration" of the famous sextet which appeared 13 years later in Lucia di Lammermoor.

This work resembles the Hilchot of the Rif (Rabbi Isaac Alfasi)—also an adumbration—but differs in quoting later authorities: Maimonides, the Tosafists and.

umbilication umbr- shade, shadow Latin umbra adumbral, adumbrant, adumbrate, adumbration, adumbrative, antumbra, inumbrate, obumbrant, obumbrate, obumbration.

Times, in a one-star review, argued that "Space precludes comprehensive adumbration of the bum notes sounding throughout this witless cacophony.

It is also worth quoting this adumbration of the definition given there (viz.

The article Energized Enthusiasm is an adumbration of this book.

the protective tariff, and broke up the 'credit trust'—a remarkable adumbration of Woodrow Wilson and his first term.

however, are quite different: the 1890 version was rewritten as an adumbration of the ensuing Adagio movement, featuring the harps, and the tempo was.

The work also contains an analysis and adumbration by Lamotte discussing the Vimalakirti Sutra's philosophical tenets.

It is precisely because he is not that his adumbration of these policies is significant.

"Back then", he later recalled, he was "even a bit fanatical" A powerful adumbration of future disenchantment with the East German regime nevertheless came.

ultimate, ultimatum, ultimogeniture umbra umbr- shade, shadow adumbrate, adumbration, inumbrate, penumbra, umbrage, umbrageous, umbrella †umbella unbell-.

secret springs of creativity - evolutionary, cosmic, mental - as a muted adumbration of temporal mortality.

adumbration's Meaning':

the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand


anticipation; prevision; prefiguration; prediction; foreshadowing;


inactivity; competition;

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