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aeonian Meaning in Bengali

বা একটি ভূতাত্ত্বিক EON সংক্রান্ত (একটি যুগের চেয়ে দীর্ঘতর

aeonian's Usage Examples:

1000 years) and the word "aeonian" to mean "during a long period"; Thus there was a time before the aeons, and the aeonian period is finite.

"The transience and fragility of the world of the giant ammoniac mind–in aeonian proportions, of course–compel it to act to preserve itself.

one of them, right from her birth, with the pain of separation and her aeonian longing living on with her soul and finally now she can't stand it anymore.

ἓν τῶν γεγεννημένων, He who has begotten the only-begotten Son before aeonian times (χρόνων αἰωνίων), through whom also he made the aeons and everything.

aeonian's Meaning':

of or relating to a geological eon (longer than an era


unceasing; perpetual; lasting; eternal; unending; permanent; eonian; everlasting; ageless;


impermanent; discontinuous; unstable; changeable; impermanence;

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