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affectedly Meaning in Bengali

affectedly's Usage Examples:

Leaching can also be applied affectedly to enhance water quality and contaminant removal, as well as for disposal.

The definition of twee is something "excessively or affectedly quaint, pretty, or sentimental," supposedly born from a childish mispronunciation.

A poseur is someone who poses for effect, or behaves affectedly, who affects a particular attitude, character or manner to impress others, or who pretends.

But he-and she-will be disappointed, for the style has become too affectedly nonchalant, and the ideas are too few to hold the narrative together.

The hyphenated phrase now covers anything ineffectual or affectedly sentimental.

Francis Villiers, and talking affectedly, to the irritation of the duchess, who is losing.

version of Americana is one of the most melodic and playful (and least affectedly twangy) since Being There-era Wilco, and Eric Earley uses his craggy Dylanesque.

Writing of another theatre, he said, "Unlike the affectedly tony Columbia Theatre uptown, the Olympic remains true to first principles.

Murphy, took on the mantle of a "Super Prod", or individual who acts in an affectedly extreme Ulster Protestant loyalist way, to deflect any potential criticism.

church metzas money (Italian -mezzi "means, wherewithal") mince walk affectedly mollying involved in the act of sex mogue deceive munge darkness naff.

needs of the fussy phonographic cabaret he undertook so quixotically and affectedly after retiring the Jam.

the Picturesque was not impressed, describing the folly as "gaudy and affectedly common".

Liquorpond was a retired footman unexpectedly overtaken by wealth, and Toole's affectedly superior pronunciation, particularly of his own name, was a tremendous.

by female characters in the film and pokes fun at this rendering of an affectedly bat-like man being able to so easily overpower them with his masculine.

Caroline Sullivan of The Guardian also praised Bieber's "affectedly breathy voice", noting that "the voice soon palls, but the songs are often.

Skrillex, whose unexpectedly subtle electronic palette complements Bieber's affectedly breathy voice," arguing that "the voice soon palls, but the songs are.

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