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afflictions Meaning in Bengali

 পুড়ানি, পরিতাপ, দাহন, দুর্বিপাক, ব্যাধি, নিগ্রহ, বিপদ্, অসুখ, দুর্ভাগ্য, বিপত্পাত, দৈন্য, ব্যথা, পীড়া, নিপীড়ন, কুগ্রহ, দীনতা, অভিতাপ, তাপ, দাহ, অগ্নি, দাগা, ভুগানি, দু:খ, রোগ, শোচন, শোক,


শোক, শোচন, রোগ, দু:খ, ভুগানি, তাপ, অভিতাপ, অগ্নি, দাগা, দীনতা, কুগ্রহ, নিগ্রহ, পীড়া, দাহ, ব্যথা, দৈন্য, বিপত্পাত, অসুখ, দুর্ভাগ্য, বিপদ্, নিপীড়ন, দাহন, দুর্বিপাক, ব্যাধি, পরিতাপ, পুড়ানি,

afflictions's Usage Examples:

use a variety of English words to translate the term kleshas, such as: afflictions, defilements, destructive emotions, disturbing emotions, negative emotions.

struggle to help townspeople with supernatural afflictions and protect the town from the effects of those afflictions.

It is also described as a category of undefined beings who brought afflictions on humans.

The food should be free from four kinds of afflictions to tarasa jīva (living beings possessing two or more senses), viz pain.

Matthew 24: 21 and 29 uses tribulation (θλίβω) in a context denoting afflictions of those hard-pressed by siege and the calamities of war.

At Allonnes, Sarthe a shrine was set up to Mars Mullo as a healer of afflictions of the eye.

including medical figures and well-known characters from history and their afflictions.

be used to help identify possible learning disabilities among other afflictions that might affect an individual's memory.

the core group of allegedly afflicted girls, Sheldon made claims of afflictions for the first time during the last week of April 1692.

Paul where he said: "In my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the Church".

| चिन्ताविलापरहितं सा तितिक्षा निगद्यते || "Endurance of all afflictions without countering aids, and without anxiety or lament is said to be.

Wisdom of Buddha, able to understand the truth of the Buddha, and turn afflictions into Bodhi.

the structure of the body, and proposed remedies used to heal these afflictions, namely ophthalmologic ailments, gynaecology, muscles, tendons, and diseases.

immune system is being investigated for use in vaccines for various afflictions, including AIDS and allergies.

exploration and combat; a character sustaining a high-stress level may gain afflictions that will hamper, or possibly enhance, their performance as an explorer.

These three poisons are considered to be three afflictions or character flaws innate in a being, the root of Taṇhā (craving), and.

Buddhism represents the symbolic "sweeping" of ignorance and mental afflictions.

supposed to be capable of awarding benefits and blessings, but also causing afflictions and diseases.


ill health; unhealthiness; health problem; malformation; deformity; misshapenness;


finish; end; refrain; praise; good health;

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