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afterburners Meaning in Bengali

যে একটি ডিভাইস উদ্বুদ্ধ অতিরিক্ত খোঁচা জন্য একটি গরম নিষ্কাশন মধ্যে বিষয়টিতে ইন্ধন জোগালেন



afterburners's Usage Examples:

plane used afterburners at takeoff and to minimize time spent in the high-drag transonic flight regime.

Supersonic flight without afterburners is referred.

bursts, typically with afterburners.

Aircraft such as the SR-71 Blackbird are designed to cruise at supersonic speed with afterburners enabled.

decided to fit the second prototype's engines with McDonnell-designed afterburners.

little time travelling supersonically, and so employ turbofans and use afterburners to raise exhaust speed for supersonic sprints.

full afterburners Concorde 0.

372 Max take-off weight, full afterburners Rockwell International B-1 Lancer 0.

38 Max take-off weight, full afterburners BAE.

and supersonic aircraft today are powered by turbofans fitted with afterburners.

are powered by two Ivchenko-Progress DV-2 engines, which do not have afterburners, and these two aircraft thus do not have the capability to reach supersonic.

power-to-weight ratios, supersonic performance, and the ability to use afterburners.

Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus 593 was an Anglo-French turbojet with reheat (afterburners) which powered the supersonic airliner Concorde.

design refinements included using two Westinghouse J34 engines with afterburners.

Plans for adding afterburners were canceled after a test aircraft suffered extensive damage to the wing and tail after the afterburners were lit.

Additionally, it possesses powerful afterburners that allow it to move at very high speed, which is useful in order to.

(because of the vertical speed asymptotically approaching zero) without afterburners or other devices temporarily increasing thrust.

com/bill-anders-a-love-of-afterburners/ "Maj.

powered by two Favorski Type 69 non-vectoring turbofan engines with afterburners.

After fitting McDonnell-designed afterburners to the second prototype, thrust was increased to 3,600 lbf (16.

Boom wants to use moderate bypass turbofans without afterburners, unlike Concorde's Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus.

afterburners's Meaning':

a device that injects fuel into a hot exhaust for extra thrust

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