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agglutination Meaning in Bengali

 সংযুক্তীকরণ, সংযুক্তীভবন, সমাসবন্ধন,

অ্যান্টিবডি (agglutinins দ্বারা একসঙ্গে অনুষ্ঠিত যখন ব্যাকটেরিয়া বা লাল কক্ষের clumping


সমাসবন্ধন, সংযুক্তীভবন, সংযুক্তীকরণ,

agglutination শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রযুক্তি ও ব্যবস্থাপনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের সীল নীতিবাক্য জ্ঞানের মাধ্যমে সংযুক্তীকরণ ধরন বেসরকারী স্থাপিত ২০১০ আচার্য এস. সি. জামির উপাচার্য অধ্যাপক হরিবন্ধু ।

agglutination's Usage Examples:

The word agglutination comes from the Latin agglutinare (glueing to).

is a type of synthetic language with morphology that primarily uses agglutination.

An antiplatelet drug (antiaggregant), also known as a platelet agglutination inhibitor or platelet aggregation inhibitor, is a member of a class of pharmaceuticals.

In hematology, red cell agglutination or autoagglutination is a phenomenon in which red blood cells clump together, forming aggregates.

A latex fixation test, also called a latex agglutination assay or test (LA assay or test), is an assay used clinically in the identification and typing.

traditional method for determining the antigen formula is agglutination reactions on slides.

The agglutination between the antigen and the antibody is made with.

attach themselves to red blood cells and bind them together into clumps (agglutination).

ristocetin is added to normal blood, it causes agglutination of fixed platelets or initiates the initial agglutination phase of aggregation of live platelets.

Hemagglutination, or haemagglutination, is a specific form of agglutination that involves red blood cells (RBCs).

The Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay (also called TPPA test) is an indirect agglutination assay used for detection and titration of antibodies.

when they bind to antigens on the cell surface, a phenomenon called agglutination.

name would begin with the following syllables: A (pronounced as in "agglutination") Ee (pronounced as in "Eel") Li (pronounced as in "little") Lu (pronounced.

If agglutination occurs, the indirect Coombs test is positive.

β2-GP1 has a complex involvement in agglutination.

It appears to alter adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-mediated agglutination of platelets.

The activation of the complement system results in opsonization, the agglutination of red blood cells, cell lysis, and cell death.

The antigens and antibodies combine by a process called agglutination.

agglutination's Meaning':

a clumping of bacteria or red cells when held together by antibodies (agglutinins


hemagglutination; isoagglutination; organic process; biological process; haemagglutination;


development; ovulation; anovulation;

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