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agitprop Meaning in Bengali

agitprop's Usage Examples:

political theatre was sometimes referred to as agitprop theatre or simply agitprop, after the Soviet term agitprop.

performance, has been sometimes related to the agitprop theater of the 1930s, but it is differentiated from agitprop by the inclusion of Dada performance tactics.

(Rossum's Universal Robots); and agitprop (1930) (a portmanteau of "agitation" and "propaganda").

Specializing in agitprop and becoming friends with communist militant Ana Pauker, Răutu made his.

The Left Column (German: Kolonne Links) was an agitprop theater troupe during the 1920s and 1930s.

Romanian Communist Party (PCR) for training its cadres for executive and agitprop-related functions.

They were some of the first consumer magazines to carry lists of "agitprop" events.

Its productions included new plays, satiric agitprop, rock and roll events, and a series of successful improvisational comedy.

political messages from the Soviet Union, sometimes referred to as agitprop.

It is an agitprop socialist anthem expressing that the comfortable lifestyle enjoyed by the.

One of the agitprop works inspired by the developments in USSR praising the bolshevik collectivism.

Described by the author as "a sardonic take on agitprop fiction exploring themes of political corruption, justice, destiny and.

Deni was one of the major agitprop poster artists of the Bolshevist period (1917–1921).

collective and produced agitprop pieces designed to educate and persuade.

The group worked together with the Left Column, a German agitprop group active in Berlin.

exercise in experimental primitivism, characterized by politically radical agitprop lyrics.



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