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agoge Meaning in Bengali


গমনোদ্যত, উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ ব্যগ্রতাপূর্ণ,

agoge's Usage Examples:

Spartiate men underwent the rigorous agoge training regimen, and Spartan phalanx brigades were widely considered to.

) Those deemed strong enough entered the agoge regime at the age of seven, which would require the young boys or Spartiates.

of Sparta where a rigid and militaristic form of education known as the agoge was practiced.

the agoge, and who were members in good standing of syssitia (mess hall), were eligible.

Usually, the only people eligible to receive the agoge were.

system as an extreme form of military boot camp, which they referred to as agoge.

or sons older than seven (see below on the agoge).

He was also credited with the development of the agoge (ἀγωγή).

'" As the product of the agoge, Leonidas is unlikely to have been referring to his royal blood alone but.

hebontes was an age category in the Sparta education system called the agoge.

their military readiness, Spartiate youths enrolled in military training (agoge) from the age of seven to thirty, the age of full citizenship.

Much of the narrative explores Spartan society, particularly the agoge, which is the military training program which all young Spartan boys must.

This task was apparently given to the kryptes, graduates of the difficult agoge who took part in the crypteia.

first book, Leonidas of Sparta: A Boy of the Agoge, focuses on Leonidas's boyhood in the notorious Spartan agoge, but books two and three will give prominence.

preceded full Spartiate citizenship) and had completed their training at the agoge with such success that they were marked out as potential future leaders.

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