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airframes Meaning in Bengali



airframes শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

or NATO Sea Sparrow missiles 3 or 4 × Phalanx CIWSs or RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missiles অস্ত্র: ২.৫ ইঞ্চি (৬৪ মিমি) Kevlar over vital spaces বিমান বহন: ।

airframes's Usage Examples:

providing air engineering training for officers and ratings using old airframes.

for the repair of aircraft airframes, engines and avionics systems.

This squadron was responsible for reconditioning airframes of RNZAF aircraft.

Tropic operates several Cessna airframes on floats.

potentially allows the company to supply sub-systems and components, such as airframes, to other UAV manufacturers and users.

replacement adhesive corroding the wooden airframes of such aircraft, resulting in crashes of the prototype airframes for both the mentioned Focke-Wulf and.

One flying prototype and six airframes were built, which had control problems and insufficient lift.

It tightens and stiffens fabric stretched over airframes, which renders them airtight and weatherproof, increasing their durability.

orders of the B-32 were canceled shortly thereafter and only 118 B-32 airframes of all types were built.

After the cancellation of the program, two 845 airframes were transferred by the Office of Naval Research to New Mexico Tech for.

thrust version was intended to replace the earlier engines in the various airframes.

older F-16A Block 10 airframes were not quite suited to fulfill this mission.

Therefore, a number of more modern F-16A Block 15 airframes were introduced in.

would later emerge as the A-4S single-seater (44 airframes) and the TA-4S two-seat trainer (three airframes), all having more than 100 changes incorporated.

This mission remained after the conversion, but the older airframes were not quite suited to fulfill this mission.

Six of the Convair airframes were given to Raytheon to explore use of velocity-gated continuous wave.

Three aircraft were modified from existing Lockheed F-104A Starfighter airframes, and served with the Aerospace Research Pilots School between 1963 and.

Many of these airframes are traded in for Boeing products, such as Singapore Airlines trading.

Both aircraft saw very short lives and the airframes were later used to build L-1049 Super Constellations.



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