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alcohol dependent Meaning in Bengali


এলকোহল নির্ভরশীল,

alcohol dependent's Usage Examples:

Alcohol withdrawal may occur in those who are alcohol dependent.

Approximately 3 percent of people who are alcohol dependent experience psychosis during acute intoxication or withdrawal.

of Stockholm and in 1996 co-authored a paper on psychotherapy for alcohol dependent patients before being awarded a master's degree.

"Low digit ratio 2D:4D in alcohol dependent patients".

more physically active than their peers had a higher tendency to be alcohol dependent or to engage in regular binge drinking.

January 2006, McNally revealed in an interview that he had himself been alcohol dependent in the 1980s.

"Effectiveness and safety of baclofen in the treatment of alcohol dependent patients".


addicted; alcoholic;


unaddicted; nonalcoholic; clean;

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