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allegorically Meaning in Bengali

allegorically's Usage Examples:

uses Christian imagery regarding the Apocalypse and Second Coming to allegorically describe the atmosphere of post-war Europe.

England claiming the throne from Richard III of England, frequently allegorically.

It allegorically employs the fictional characters of A.

 'Spiritual Ramayana') is a 13th- to 15th-century Sanskrit text that allegorically interprets the story of Hindu epic Ramayana in the Advaita Vedanta framework.

king of beasts—the Lion!! Dignified, courageous, magnificent, the Lion allegorically represents all that our College Spirit should be, so why not 'the Nittany.

Dante explained that his Divine Comedy could be read both literally and allegorically; and that the allegorical meaning could be subdivided into the moral.

It's presented as a sequence of alchemical operations encoded allegorically in words, to which images have been added.

In the four corners of the pedestal are busts allegorically representing, Faith, Courage, Freedom, and Strength.

His personal seal included suckling animals in two registers, allegorically symbolizing his care for his subjects.

Mors is often represented allegorically in later Western literature and art, particularly during the Middle.

RuPaul sees LGBTQ people allegorically as lotus flowers growing through adversity; born under mud, growing.

Principles, recommends for the Old and New Testaments to be interpreted allegorically at three levels, the "flesh," the "soul," and the "spirit.

the Latona Fountain at the Palace of Versailles, it is designed to allegorically represent nearby Lake Michigan.

The anthropomorphized insects allow the writers to comment allegorically on life in post-World War I Czechoslovakia.

drama, was "a symbolic or allegorical person in a spel van sinne," an allegorically fashioned dramatic exposition of an argument on an ethical, ideological.

conjugation strisciare is a verb which means "to crawl" or "to slither", thus allegorically referring to a worm or snake which slithers and bores underground digging.

which can mean both "to speak allegorically" and "to interpret allegorically.

" In the case of "interpreting allegorically," Theagenes appears to be our.

embodied in the human body giving one various abilities, eating is allegorically a sacrifice to the gastric fire, and life is a ceremony to the God within.

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