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alliterates Meaning in Bengali

অনুপ্রাস কবিতার একটি ফর্ম হিসাবে ব্যবহার

alliterates's Usage Examples:

period of the life and afterlife of a warrior-king: The front inscription alliterates on both the F-rune ᚠ feoh (wealth) and the G-rune ᚷ gyfu (gift), corresponding.

first (and, if there is one, sometimes the second) lift in the a-verse alliterates with the first lift in the b-verse.

The part of the first line after the rhyme alliterates with the first part of the second line.

Assuming that the verse alliterates, she interprets the at the beginning of line 2 as indicative of an original.

Seaxwulf's name alliterates with that of St.

be witnessed in these self-referential lines: An abecedarius always alliterates Blindly blunders, but blooms: Comes crawling craftily, cantering crazily.

Alberht however alliterates suitably with several Wuffingas names: according to Plunkett, it could.

The letter ⟨m⟩ is called om to distinguish it from ⟨n⟩; the vowel o alliterates well in the alphabetical sequence el, om, en, o, pa.

Bu'ul (Cali Bucul), Guulside (Victory-Bearer!) this particular poem alliterates echoing the horse's name.

this particular poem alliterates echoing the horse's name.

Old English poetry traditionally alliterates, meaning that a sound (usually the initial consonant sound) is repeated.

in this verse for poetic effect: "Vishnu" alliterates with the preceding word Vyuhai, while "Hari" alliterates with the succeeding word Hiranya.

early source, and, though nothing further is known of him, his name alliterates suggestively with those of Tancred, Torhtred and Tova, who thus may also.

In alliteration, the first consonant in a word alliterates with the same consonant at the beginning of another word, as with Gār-Dena.

who belonged to the royal House of Wessex, and it characteristically alliterates with the names of his ancestors, like Æthelwulf ("noble-wolf"), Ælfred.

alliterates's Meaning':

use alliteration as a form of poetry


rime; rhyme;



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