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allometric Meaning in Bengali

সংক্রান্ত বা allometry দ্বারা চিহ্নিত

allometric's Usage Examples:

Kleiber's law, as many other biological allometric laws, is a consequence of the physics and/or geometry of animal circulatory.

proposed at least eight different types of mechanisms that predict an allometric scaling exponent of either 2⁄3 or 3⁄4.

occurs earlier in the ontogeny than growth in width, and that dissociated allometric heterochrony has been an important mechanism in the evolution of the arthrodires.

breathing) Limits on sustained metabolic rate Origin of allometric scaling relations or allometric laws (and the so-called metabolic theory of ecology) Individual.

dimension of the canopy These key measurements are used to infer, through allometric relations, other tree properties that may be of greater interest but are.

power of a quarter of the body mass Fenchel's law may be expressed as an allometric equation: r = a W − 0.

theorem, and life history theory, especially sex allocation and scaling/allometric rules.

This is due to allometric scaling: the bones of an elephant are necessarily proportionately much.

the ABSI is based on statistical shape analysis and is derived from an allometric regression (with waist and height in meters and weight in kg): A B S I.

, in which dimensionless numbers (allometric invariance analysis) were used to investigate the existence of heterostasis.

more complex measurement, encephalization quotient, takes into account allometric effects of widely divergent body sizes across several taxa.

Institute, where he worked and works on biological issues such as the allometric law and other power laws in biology.

"Physiological correlates of locomotory performance in a lizard: an allometric approach" (PDF), American Journal of Physiology, 247 (5 Pt 2): R806–R815.

It operates by observing the allometric (non- linear scaling) properties of herbivores.

discouraged parameter (link) Online allometric scaling calculator, with explanation and source.

Using allometric calculator cited, with rat weight=0.

animals, the bioenergetics of exercise, metabolism during diving in seals, allometric scaling, and human adaptations to high-altitude hypoxia.

allometric's Meaning':

relating to or marked by allometry

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