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almshouses Meaning in Bengali

almshouses's Usage Examples:

Many almshouses are.

of British almshouses: Andrew's Almshouses, also known as the Widow's House, Speenhamland Westende Almshouses, Wokingham Dixon's Almshouses, Aldermaston.

of almshouses, Benn's Walk (now with five almshouses), was built in 1983.

An eighth set of almshouses is 10–18 Manning Place (with nine almshouses), just.

The Percy and Wagner Almshouses are a group of 12 almshouses in the inner-city Hanover area of the English coastal city of Brighton and Hove.

Hickey's Almshouses are almshouses between Sheen Road and St Mary's Grove in Richmond, London.

A plaque over the entrance records that the almshouses were.

It includes three groups of almshouses, a Grade II listed church (St Elizabeth of Portugal Church) and Clarence.

The Dyers Almshouses are a group of 30 almshouses belonging to the Worshipful Company of Dyers, a London Livery Company.

architecture can be found throughout Europe, in manor houses, town halls, almshouses, bridges, and residential houses.

Donnington Hospital almshouses, founded in 1393, form the oldest charity in the county, although others.

Additional almshouses were built in Canal Street in 1956.

Vachel Almshouses is a terrace of almshouses in the town of Reading in the English county of Berkshire.

In 1634 almshouses were built in St Mary's Butts.

works locally, including founding two sets of almshouses for impoverished men.

He also founded almshouses in Monken Hadley, Middlesex.

and his wife Alice de la Pole established the school and cloistered almshouses from their profits from the East Anglian wool trade in 1437.

Shrewsbury Hospital refers to a row of almshouses and a chapel in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.

It was built as a series of almshouses flanking the cemetery gatehouse, by the architect Samuel Sutton Rawlinson.

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