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alters Meaning in Bengali

 পরিবর্তন করা, পরিবর্তিত করা, পরিবর্তিত হত্তয়া, বদল করা, বদলে যাত্তয়া, নড়ান, নবরূপ দেত্তয়া, মুষ্কচ্ছেদন করা, উলটান, পালটান, পুন:সংস্কার করা, খোজা করা,


খোজা করা, পালটান, উলটান, মুষ্কচ্ছেদন করা, নবরূপ দেত্তয়া, পুন:সংস্কার করা, নড়ান, বদলে যাত্তয়া, বদল করা, পরিবর্তিত হত্তয়া, পরিবর্তিত করা, পরিবর্তন করা,

alters's Usage Examples:

such states but united by a common sense of self), while the other term is alters (each of which may have a separate autobiographical memory, independent.

alien Dominators' "gene bomb", each of her alternate personalities, or alters (which, to date, is numbered at 64), has a different super-power.

In metallurgy and materials science, annealing is a heat treatment that alters the physical and sometimes chemical properties of a material to increase.

A metabolic disorder is a disorder that negatively alters the body's processing and distribution of macronutrients such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

An inotrope is an agent that alters the force or energy of muscular contractions.

on an oil or gas well during, or at the end of, its productive life that alters the state of the well or well geometry, provides well diagnostics, or manages.

is connected to a mechanical, electric servo, or hydraulic system which alters the vertical angle of the vessel's rudder relative to its hull.

A tailor is a person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, especially suits and men's clothing.

This alters the flavor, texture and appearance of the rice and helps prevent spoilage.

physiotherapy) is a method by which pressure applied on specific lymph nodes alters lymphatic response.

weir /wɪər/ or low head dam is a barrier across the width of a river that alters the flow characteristics of water and usually results in a change in the.

attack is a cyberattack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two parties who believe that they are directly.

1962 film is faithful to the book; the 2004 remake updates the action and alters characters.

study of languages, a prefix is also called a preformative, because it alters the form of the words to which it is affixed.

Mordançage is an alternative photographic process that alters silver gelatin prints to give them a degraded effect.

When trauma, disease or dental treatment alters occlusion by changing the biting surface of any of the teeth, the teeth.

This technique alters the wind resistance and weight on one side of the ball, causing it to move.

title refers to the part of the plot in which Starr, wanted by the law, alters her appearance, poses as a widow from Montana and becomes a saloon singer.


develop; rarify; round down; interchange; opalise; shake; internationalize; decarboxylate; westernise; sensitise; decentralise; conventionalize; destabilise; lessen; scramble; dull; animate; mix; visualise; sweeten; fatten out; decentralize; dinge; inflate; simplify; hue; rectify; bring; redress; disable; excite; iodinate; elevate; blot out; animise; shorten; ionate; empty; arterialize; depolarise; embrittle; devalue; externalise; unite; lifehack; tenderize; convert; meliorate; ventilate; vaporise; renormalize; heat up; diabolize; commercialise; fatten; fortify; debauch; colly; ease up; inspissate; cry; get; lubricate; energize; domesticize; right; darken; boil; cause to sleep; obnubilate; unify; disaffect; waken; commix; gelatinise; worsen; make; vitalise; degauss; charge; break; spike; ossify; thicken; colour in; collimate; pall; demoralize; plump; crack; denaturalise; blind; laicize; demythologise; soften; recombine; sensibilise; liberalise; contribute; stain; corrupt; automatize; inactivate; deflate; transform; bestialise; beef up; rationalise; individualize; barbarise; pressurise; vitiate; Americanise; unsanctify; romanticize; stabilize; purify; lighten; energise; decrepitate; denaturalize; diversify; coagulate; intransitivise; tenderise; solemnise; saponify; industrialise; speed; Americanize; reverse; translate; stabilise; wet; adorn; sputter; constitutionalise; edit out; reestablish; individualise; solvate; stiffen; full; modify; urbanise; unscramble; depolarize; nationalise; plasticize; condense; devilise; sober; demagnetise; militarise; internationalise; untie; glamorize; straighten; vitalize; tone down; orientalize; opacify; magnetise; glamorise; immortalize; womanize; dry; desensitise; purge; minify; lighten up; deprave; raise; naturalize; shallow; refresh; democratise; dizzy; laicise; exasperate; oxidize; rarefy; smut; reinstate; envenom; cool; fertilise; enable; lower; perplex; switch; circularize; assimilate; harshen; estrange; alchemise; paganise; coarsen; turn; schematize; plasticise; oxidate; land; destress; solemnize; port; even; masculinize; elaborate; symmetrize; fatten up; bubble; colour; supercharge; subtilize; automate; immaterialize; sanitise; glorify; synchronize; ash; alienate; ornament; subvert; accelerate; sentimentalise; slenderise; chasten; normalise; achromatise; acetylize; decimalize; gear up; rusticate; embellish; edit; alkalinise; spice up; cloud; overcloud; rouse; spiritualize; domesticate; nazify; officialise; shoal; round off; add; change taste; romanticise; adjust; normalize; territorialise; demulsify; overturn; revolutionise; break down; widen; sanctify; colourize; equal; de-emphasise; sentimentalize; mark; denationalise; contaminate; effeminize; merge; clot; color in; intransitivize; warm; rationalize; set aside; politicise; inform; pervert; synchronise; patent; liquidise; destabilize; sensibilize; sensitize; insulate; professionalize; form; glamourise; alkalinize; naturalise; Frenchify; externalize; conventionalise; disturb; mature; civilise; set up; etiolate; deaminize; extend; commercialize; bestow; make grow; suburbanise; compensate; indispose; brighten; disorder; intensify; flatten; opalize; bestialize; sensify; slow down; supple; classicise; bolshevise; transmute; paganize; let up; acerbate; deodourise; change intensity; capture; cool down; blunt; volatilize; liquefy; dissimilate; eroticize; neutralize; refine; steepen; vesiculate; suburbanize; mingle; communize; brutalise; market; dynamise; radicalize; mince; fill; domesticise; bear on; etherialise; proof; clean; immaterialise; turn back; fix; color; tense; polarise; misdirect; feminize; arterialise; flocculate; socialize; check; shape; animalize; Europeanise; occidentalize; weaponize; harmonize; introvert; deform; tighten; deconcentrate; demagnetize; subdue; oxygenise; humble; achromatize; sexualise; exchange; inseminate; liberalize; round; uglify; isomerize; delay; feminise; animize; temper; polarize; digitalise; debase; restore; muddy; transpose; obscure; dynamize; dope; detransitivise; opsonize; colorize; flesh out; touch on; depersonalise; freshen; redact; archaize; lace; denationalize; officialize; string; defog; invert; brutalize; demist; demoralise; effeminise; shift; decorate; deaden; centralize; acetylate; liquidize; draw; bemire; redo; equate; deodorise; dissonate; dissolve; affect; change over; barbarize; alchemize; lend; magnetize; urbanize; gelatinize; end; cook; nationalize; sex up; accustom; disintegrate; democratize; saturate; speed up; transfigure; concentrate; vulgarize; grace; Islamise; chill; symmetrise; Europeanize; angulate; deaminate; fasten; demonize; de-emphasize; round out; suspend; counterchange; virilize; incapacitate; calcify; schematise; demythologize; masculinise; militarize; crush; legitimate; humanize; commute; reconstruct; transubstantiate; customize; cut; occidentalise; alcoholise; awaken; volatilise; allegorise; prepare; uniformise; exacerbate; humanise; oxidise; eternalise; veil; disarray; substitute; impart; set; eternise; classicize; unfit; damage; still; aggravate; detransitivize; harmonise; parallel; territorialize; piggyback; decrease; visualize; mechanize; invalidate; decelerate; sanitize; orientalise; outmode; virilise; mythicise; complicate; disqualify; put; bolshevize; demonise; fat; vascularize; grime; strengthen; think; unsubstantialize; blear; hide; glamourize; freeze; revolutionize; deactivate; socialise; arouse; mythologize; correct; dry out; mythologise; immortalise; digitize; blur; sharpen; morph; dirty; make clean; prostrate; reform; westernize; void; mythicize; neutralise; depress; undo; alcoholize; digitise; eternize; aerate; desensitize; sublimate; decimalise; antique; impact; denature; reflate; change; devilize; constitutionalize; automatise; confuse; chord; amend; poison; unclutter; disharmonize; personalise; reclaim; industrialize; ready; make full; archaise; antiquate; touch; acetylise; digitalize; bear upon; transaminate; heat; shade; vitrify; age; relax; verbify; professionalise; diabolise; fecundate; straighten out; spice; equalize; ripen; recommend; Islamize; begrime; transitivize; plump out; alien; fertilize; exteriorise; moderate; hydrogenate; barb; unsubstantialise; drop; untune; increase; uniformize; blister; loose; vascularise; communise; clear; sexualize; retard; terminate; slenderize; equalise; etherealize; beautify; incandesce; exteriorize; renormalise; vivify; animalise; transitivise; liquify; even out; deodorize; isomerise; clarify; activate; expand; variegate; vulgarise; oxygenize; regenerate; sauce; ameliorate; validate; tender; obfuscate; allegorize; nick; dehydrogenate; objectify; dismiss; loosen; cohere; pressurize; civilize; discolor; wake; emulsify; politicize; break up; personalize; weaken; lift; remodel; mechanise; ease off; habituate; better; centralise; customise; unsex; refreshen; fill out; replace; bedim; wake up; colourise; amalgamate; colorise; tame; match; louden; evaporate; depersonalize; profane; improve; fill up; disenable; soil; obliterate; contract; eternalize; camp;


qualify; decelerate; orientalise; unscramble; nationalise; fill; demagnetise; complicate; sensitise; decentralise; destabilise; begin; scramble; clean; dull; strengthen; decentralize; inflate; orientalize; magnetise; simplify; mythologize; dry; naturalize; disable; sharpen; dirty; occidentalize; deoxidise; dehumanize; empty; deconcentrate; demagnetize; desensitize; cool; enable; assimilate; order; personalise; de-iodinate; heat; depersonalise; rejuvenate; darken; accelerate; demilitarise; cause to sleep; denationalize; worsen; transitivize; de-ionate; hydrogenate; centralize; increase; clutter; deoxidize; demulsify; magnetize; wrong; nationalize; invalidate; concentrate; beautify; denationalise; inactivate; deflate; clarify; activate; destabilize; validate; sensitize; demythologize; odorize; stabilize; dehydrogenate; decontaminate; loosen; demilitarize; discolor; emulsify; denaturalize; unstring; occidentalise; personalize; brighten; awaken; weaken; better; centralise; thin; denazify; odourise; tire; quieten; depersonalize; discharge; stabilise; wet; focus; detransitivize; dissimilate; tune; decrease; stiffen;

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