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ambivalently Meaning in Bengali



ambivalently's Usage Examples:

A drug addict may feel ambivalently about their drug of choice; they are aware of their drug use as a negative-impact.

superficially reinforce the lover's depth of emotion; but it does so ambivalently, possibly implying the word's connotation of pain or distress, or even.

with Davis' other records during the 1970s, Dark Magus was received ambivalently by contemporary critics, but it inspired noise rock acts during the late.

According to Michael O'Neill, Lamia in the poem "is treated ambivalently but with considerable sympathy", making "a sharp contrast with the more.

Likewise the poem treats Pound ambivalently describing him by turns as "honored", "brave", "cruel", and "wretched".

The German authorities viewed the declaration ambivalently and in January 1918 rejected a draft Flemish constitution presented by.

Tolley found that "the image of a cosmic mill, ambivalently churning out well-being or disaster, may be recognized in certain fragmentary.

to the early 1900s the paper covered the region's frequent lynchings ambivalently.

scale which was developed by Glick and Fiske in 1996, and which assesses ambivalently sexist attitudes—marks a shift in how sexism is construed and scientifically.

As ever with Visconti, he is ambivalently drawn to the decadent society he is ostensibly criticising; and Armando.

of Helen during her time in Troy are contradictory: Homer depicts her ambivalently, both regretful of her choice and sly in her attempts to redeem her public.

manifest traits, whereas an everyman typically avoids engagement or reacts ambivalently, until the situation, growing dire, demands effective reaction to avert.

The sea - at once barren and prosperity-bringing, loomed large and ambivalently in the Greek mind.

Newsweek staffers reacted ambivalently to the merger.

became one of the leading theaters of the Weimar Republic, a tradition ambivalently continued by his successor Gustaf Gründgens after the Nazi takeover in.

twelve-syllable, six-stress line", and Kenneth Larsen seems to concur, noting ambivalently that "[t]he line of 12 syllables (like the 12 astrological signs) is.

uncomfortably numb LP: a dispirited Staples reminiscing his past, while ambivalently looking toward his future.

" Matt Cibula of PopMatters wrote ambivalently towards that album's production, writing that "the producers here are.

of modern, urban civilization: In the opening lines of the novel, he ambivalently describes Kristiania as "this wondrous city that no one leaves before.

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