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ambushing Meaning in Bengali


কৌতূহলোদ্দীপক, কৌতুহলপূর্ণ, মনোরঁজক, কৌতুকপ্রদ, আমোদজনক, হাস্যকর, হাস্যজনক, চিত্তরঁজন, চিত্তাকর্ষক, আগ্রহজনক, মজাদার,

ambushing শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ভাগে বিভক্ত করেছে, অনেকে এটাকে বর্ণনা করে চিত্তাকর্ষক হিসেবে যেখানে অনেকে মনে করে এটি চলচ্চিত্রের কৌতূহলোদ্দীপক শুরুকে গতানুগতীক হিসেবে নষ্ট করেছে ।

তাদের সবাই অদ্ভুত হাস্যজনক মুখোশ পরিধান করে থাকেন ।

এলাচের বীজ, তেল ও নির্যাসের চিত্তাকর্ষক ঔষধি গুণাবলী রয়েছে বলে মনে করা হয় ।

পর্যালোচনার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে পেনির স্বাভাবিক সামাজিক জীবন যাপনের পারদর্শিতা বেশ হাস্যকর পরিস্থিতির সৃষ্টি করে ।

ambushing's Usage Examples:

Many species frequent flowers in particular, ambushing pollinators, much as crab spiders do.

raided successfully for a time, but Struthas eventually succeeded in ambushing one of his raiding expeditions.

charged William Budd and James Galligan, who an eyewitness identified, ambushing Brennan at Catherine and Madison Street and killing him.

armor made up of unfused tubercles, and preyed on other, smaller fish by ambushing them from the sea bottom.

semi-aquatic its habitat was around fresh pools of water in wet forests, ambushing their prey, much like modern species.

Maccabaee gained the element of surprise by ambushing the enemy army at Wadi Haramia and successfully destroyed the much larger.

plan redundant, they moved toward advancing US Army lines on foot, while ambushing trains and attacking German units along their route, including a German.

show a scene from Lord Byron's 1813 poem The Giaour, with the Giaour ambushing and killing Hassan, the Pasha, before retiring to a monastery.

An Arab Corsair is ambushing merchant and war ships in the Indian Ocean and the English send Hal to.

The Bulgarians under their ruler, Tsar Samuil, succeeded in ambushing and destroying the Byzantine garrison of Thessalonica, killing its commander.

extremely broad snout, features that probably allowed it to specialise in ambushing prey in shallow water.

Traynor and Fagan off Woodah Island; the spearing of Constable McColl; the ambushing of Hemming's patrol; the killing of the Japanese of the luggers' Ouida.

that the species shifts its diet and hunting patterns from ambushing prey from above to ambushing prey from below as it grows because the number of ampullae.

Ethiopian wolves catch mole rats by ambushing them after they have constructed a new foraging tunnel, chasing them into.

It was ideal for ambushing "Nukallpiaqs" or warrior/providers.

He attempted to resolve it by ambushing and assassinating Ranald; but Harald had him put to death.

capturing Ho Chi Minh and General Giap but it soon recovered and began ambushing the three French columns.

upward-facing eyes would have been adaptive for aquatic crocodylomorphs ambushing land-living prey from beneath the surface of the water, whereas side-facing.

They are all obligate carnivores, and most are solitary predators ambushing or stalking their prey.

also suffered in this unconventional warfare, with the LTTE frequently ambushing IPKF convoys and patrols.


dry-gulching; coup de main; trap; surprise attack; ambuscade; lying in wait;


unconcealed; show; idle; activity; refrain;

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